So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Was red, white, blue, not massive on the looks, but was just so comfy.
  2. Bought 1L of fork oil from Opie Oils. Arrived today and a little had leaked, apparently it stinks when fresh too! Emailed them and they are sending out a new bottle and don't want the old one back. Well done Opie Oils.
  3. Splashed boiling water over my right hand, which smarted a bit. Quickly got the hand under the cold tap and so no harm done and no damage.

    Sat back down at my desk, drank some of my coffee and after a couple of minutes, my right thumb started to report in.
    "Er, I think I'm hot. Is there hot water? Am I being scalded? I'm getting hot!".
    Having smashed the thumb some years ago, I occasionally receive a reminder that all is not well ... but taking five minutes to register that I had poured hot water over my thumb? Unacceptable.
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  4. Cycled 15 miles for the first time in four years. Looking at tonight's TV schedule, I think @Exige ought to be watching BBC three at 9 PM
  5. You have the nervous system of a dinosaur?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. What's on, Boobies? :)
    • Funny Funny x 1

  7. Sudacream is good for burns :)
  8. After queueing up for almost half an hour in the chemist's shop today I finally got to the counter and the woman looked at me and said, "I'm really sorry about your wait."

    In a rattled state, I replied, "Well missus, you're not so feckin' skinny yourself"
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  9. Good for burns, too :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I had to check what I wrote :Wideyed:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Went to the awards last night. We won HSBC International Business of the Year 2015 :)
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  12. deer dodging in epping forest

    4 of the little buggers straight out in front of me down the new road

    certainly wakes you up first thing in the morning :Nailbiting:
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  13. disliked just for balance... that and i think hsbc along with all the others can go ..... them selves.. if they have given your company a nod all good but i dont trust the ....ers or their judgment! :D
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. this morning i woke up in my own bed, farted and am trying to remember all the things im supposed to do today..
    look at a job at 10.00 look at another at 11.00 meet they guy whos job i just finished and get much needed money off him! get hair cut/shave, got to bank, go to pub to pay back a sub, (all of which can be done on the bike :D) come back home and unload van/sort tools, get to ex's house to give her a big hug coz since finishing her last chemo last week ive not seen her and she has some very welcome news in that she will be having a lumpectomy not a full mastectomy ! YAY!
    take her for lunch, get to bank (or have i done that already?) get to post office to cost up sending end cans, look at another job about 3 and then get pissed!!!!!
    a day in the life eh?
    finished job yesterday, laid 220 8x4 ply sheets in what was essentially 3 8 hr days, every sheet required at least one cut, done half of this with no laborers as they dont get there till 11!
    left hlaf the nailing off for them as i had fired in 3000 odd nails and me hands are sore as fuk WP_20151110_016.jpg

    that pic is about a 3rd of it me camera broke so couldnt take a finised shot...
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  15. Good news about your ex @chizel :)
  16. aye yer a good un. a good loon as they say up here. not a bonnie loon but a good loon.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. yeah its really cool!:D:D:D
  18. well its cold and pretty dam windy round these parts and it looks like it will rain but im taking bike anyway! got to get as many rides in as poss!!!!
    really need a jap bike for winter!!!
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  19. Out dogging?
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