A first for me :)

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Duff, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Morning all.

    So I've only had my 749 for a few weeks and I've been out on her at least every weekend, sometimes getting in a mid-week ride too. I was out and about on Saturday, riding from the Wirral to Southport via the Mersey tunnel at Birkenhead (which, btw, is just one big amplifier!), and ended up at McDonalds car park in Southport. There were a few other bikes in the car park but a couple (as in a man and a woman) parked their car right next to my bike and sat there just admiring her.

    So after I'd had my coffee I wandered out, dumped my gear on the floor next to my bike and started getting ready to return home. The chap and his missus got out of the car and came and asked if I'd mind if they listened whilst I fired up my bike. She was wearing a Suzuki TAS fleece so I guessed they were no strangers to the sound of superbikes but this chap was telling her that she'll have never heard anything quite like a Ducati before. It helps that I have a full Termi system as well :)

    Anyway, I fired up the bike and just let her get up to temperature before giving her a flew blips on the throttle. They were absolutely beside themselves. Like properly "wow"! I've had a few people comment on the bike, usually when I'm in the petrol station, but to have that level of admiration is a first for me. I can imagine the conversation that took place in the car afterwards - "I want one of those".

    Now this might sound a bit ridiculous but it kinda got me thinking about how important it is for me to keep my bike in tip-top condition so that others, who might not have access to these beautiful machines, can drool over them too :biggrin:

    Not the most spectacular story I'll admit but I felt compelled to share it with the Ducati community.

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  2. Nice one,I think our Ducatis make us all feel a bit special.:smile:
  3. I was in St Albans on sat and it got its fair share of comment and admiring glances. I just sat there and drank my coffee, smiling inside :upyeah:What is life without beauty? (enter crappy town name here)
  4. Nice to hear! It certainly gives you a warm feeling when someone admires your bike.
  5. Since riding the 749 I have never received so many admiring glances and "nice bike". People have stopped to come and talk to me when I park up.

    Ducatis are gorgeous bikes
  6. We had the same thing happened the other weekend when the northern monkeys (El Toro's wording ) meet up, although we did blag the spaces opp the main doors, lots of people were having a good look at the 4 bikes parked together, we even commented that this does not happen with other brands at the time, and this was at on a sunday am with alteast 200 other bikes there !
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  7. god i must be ugly....

    no one ever chats me up! :)
  8. Good job you have a stunning bike to compensate then..
  9. It certainly does :smile:
  10. youre right there. :upyeah:

    ive get this quite often on the bike...old blokes normally tell you about Hailwood, middle aged blokes go on about foggy..and i dont give a fekk what the kids think..Casey can kiss my arris..
    Anyway, last year it was about 7 in the morning and i was having a blast on the MV Agusta i used to own (basically a ducati with four cylinders)..anyway, i pulled into a petrol station at Melton Mowbray behind an old dear in a Micra titting aboutwith her seatbelt...anyway, as im filling up she gets out of the car and walks over to me...i thought 'weve got a right one here'....and then she was all grins and smiles....Her first words were,"what a beautiful bike...Is it Italian?'....I couldve snogged her to the floor....but i didnt want to get diesel on me sliders....turns out that back in the day her and hubby used to go touring on Laverda cafe racer..mad bitch.

    The MV is the only bike thats attracted the same levels of admiration and hatred as my Ducati.
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  11. I had quite a few people drooling over my bike on Saturday when I was parked up in Ironbridge while having a coffee by the bridge over the river ... it is nice to see people reactions, it makes riding such a bike a much more special and rewarding experience for me, personally I wouldn't have any other bike than a Ducati, and the people who stop, look and listen in awe as you start it up to warm while getting lid and gloves on etc ... priceless :biggrin:

  12. I like most other riders modify my bike to look a certain way because you like it, if someone takes a photo or comments on your bike i think it's a bonus, and confirmation you have done a good job..
  13. I'd only had my Ducati for a week before someone came over at a petrol station and complemented the bike, which was nice, but even better was taking it to a local bike meet where there were hundreds of bikes and I noticed a few people admiring it (at least I hope that's what they were doing). Couldn't help but feel a little pride!
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