Wow, just wow

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by d8mok, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. She can do what she likes when I've done......
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  2. I dont know what the fuss is about,that beard doesnt do anything for me.
  3. Think your just being a bit picky.......

  4. this page is light on images :smile:
  5. Anyway who is the guy he isnt bad either 
  6. Tut......Women eh! They're worse than blokes! :wink:
  7. shallow. Superficial :smile:
  8. (It looks very like Sylvain Guintoli.)
  9. Of course 
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  10. Oi Thats me and she's my sister so back off!!!
  11. Hey Mr Guintoli, your sister is the sort of girl I could go for....I bet she's got a cracking.......staff discount! :biggrin:
  12. Turns out she done a bit o modelling too
  13. The smile on hubby's face when I showed him the picture was really goofy! I have to say she is very pretty, but as all you boys know in your heart of hearts, any girl that pretty knows more gentle put downs than that.
  14. Katie, we're men. We don't think that far ahead.
  15. Don't I know it live for the moment and simple I'm coming back as a man 
  16. At least having someone that attractive telling you your spares are going to take 10 weeks to arrive will take the sting out of it.
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  17. Lol brilliant I like your way of thinking
    See simple 
  18. You are quite correct any man would accept that from a woman that pretty
  19. What tha on abart thee, she's not a girl she's a young lass, and when she gets older she'll be an old lass :biggrin:

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  20. So Thats what happens to all those old crash bungs !
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