for the 3rd time in almost 2 years someone had a go at my bike. previously my monster and now the HYM SP. this time they went for the hand guard, completely snapping it and breaking it as I don't have a garage I have no alternative but to keep the bike outside, but then you have these lowlifes breaking bikes, maybe just for fun.... called the police, they say they don't have security cams in the area... upload img
That's fucking shit!!! you want to get one of them metal sheds,and electrify it,that might stop the bastards!
I found it on a german website 46029902A Ducati Handschutz Rechts genuine new - KFM-Motorräder but it will take like 3 weeks... also is this easy to rewire?
That would make me so mad! Lots of jealous scum out there with no respect for others possessions unch:
The only thing that you can really do is to get it indoors somehow, a normal shed with a wide doorway and covered windows or metal bike shed. Not cheap but neither is repeated repairs because of those mindless idiots
does anyone know how hard it is to fit this part? I'd rather spare at least the installation fee from the dealer...
when you say out side, do you mean on the street or your front garden or.... do you have a sturdy cover for it at least? you get ones with eyes that can be padlocked and whilst not terribly hard to remove with the aid of a stanley knife, they stiill help and if covered with anything its proven they are less likely to be a target (for theft at least) sorry if im telling shit you already know. failing this options i cant see what you can do...
I fitted the Ducati wing mirror/indicator bling to my Multistrada plus the full hand guard. The indicator wire connector is in the bowels under the tank but the guard is simple to fit. Andy
yes on the street. locked on a ground anchor and underneath a cover so it's not too visible. these scums had a look and then decided it was a good thing do leave their "shit mark" mmm I wonder if the connector is in a different spot on the HYM. my bike is due for a yearly service soon, but I know the dealer will charge more even if I give him the part
It's just time comsumng rather than complicated because the tank has to come off to get at the connector, or it does on the Multistrada. Andy
bastard squad.... unfortunately a major consideration in ya purchase of a bike has to be where you are keeping it. life shouldnt be this way but if i had no garage my bike would be in storage and a piece of shit bought for daily use.. still sorry to hear of this crap.. best of luck mate
thanks I know but I have no other option. If I kept it in storage I just would never use it.... why oh why these scum is free to roam our streets? also insurance could cover, but the excess is too high to be worth pursuing...
Put some marmite or honey on your cover or some prickly bits underneath where you think they may touch your bike Failing window duty so you can slap them when they start or throw milk in them Stinks when it goes off
Stick a cover over your bike? Read thread now & you've stated you use one. So it either must be someone doesn't like you or kiddies doing vandalism of someones expensive toy.