Ebay 1098 Project / Shed Build

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by slof, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. apparently it will still take another 6 - 12 months to get him convicted as there's so many people to get evidence from and hes proving hard to find.

    of course not, the hid's were fairly simply its a bit of a faf getting the wires to run out of the head light unit as they dont go through the hole for the standard ones. i mounted the ballast on top of the lights. its not the most discrete place but they fit perfect with some of the 3m double sided pads. I cant remember where I got the under tray from. it was originally a race one I think as it doesn't have the tabs to locate into the tail unit so will need a bit of dremel handy work to get it in.

    so..... with the abysmal summer we had the roof needed to go on. My brother helped me with the first 6 boards but by then end of that weekend neither of us had the energy to be able to competently use a hammer, saw or either sets of limbs so we called it a day. It meant i needed to do a few hours each night after work which wasn't all bad I managed to make the most of the sun we did have.



    In 2 evenings I managed to single handedly finish the roof off. All 16 8x4 sheets and 4.8m lengths of 7"x2" i genuinely felt like id had the shit beaten out of me after all that but at least it was on and i could get started filling the gaps between the beams



    I also while at b&q getting felt adhesive managed to pick up this solid oak door for £20 reduced form £300.


    So considering the the closet id ever got to felting anything was this stuff

    I gave it a go and considering the rain we have had there hasn't been a single drop come through

    Because it was sealed now I started moving some of the bigger stuff in which put into perspective how big this is as the tool box it 72" wide
    Now there's one thing that pisses me off about work shops and that's poor lighting so I dident skimp out. to start with I put up the three 5 footers i had just so there was a decent amount to work in but it is only about half what will be in there by then end.

    more stuff moved in and work tops delivered. a nice little freebie from wickes for screwing up yet again.

    hopefully i wont need to add any more work benches
    so there was a slight miss calculation with the amount of cladding i needed for the door
    next was storage again a nice freebie but this time for helping a friend empty their garage and anything I wanted I could have. 3 new cupboards 4 packs of tiles and all the grout and adhesive I needed.

    so now every that i ride with knows ive got the ramp there were a few chomping at the bit to get their bike in for a service so
    once that was done I got my tile on. Another first
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    another friend who did almost identical mods to his k4 as mine which i helped with

    it started to look like a workshop rather than a shed
    tested my polisher out :tonguewink:
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  2. it got to the point where i needed to get a lot of different stuff together at the same time as i couldn't put one in without the other so while i was waiting the 1098 got some well needed tlc. Poor girl had been neglected for a few months.


    This then highlighted the areas where shadows were occurring when working so i got to work playing around with some different postilions of the tubes and this was the final plan

    i also have 10 down lights to go in over the tool box and work bench


    so the same with the wood half a tonne of plaster board needed to be moved to the end of the garden in pissing rain and wind
    quickly started getting this in
    now looking more like a room than a shed
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  3. beautiful bike mate, still trying to find my first ducati on what funds I have lol. coming along nicely in there, did you learn how to do all the building required as you went along or did you do building as a job before you got stuck in an office shopping on ebay? lol
  4. cheers buddy, and no ive never been in any sort of building trade. was a mechanic for a year or so but apart form that always been in an office
  5. Just found this thread..... Wish I had the space to do that! And the money but my garage is a constant work in progress... (buying more b&q kitchen carcasses at the end of the month for mine. Floor space for me is prime real estate so I try to get everything on the walls, single garage currently 4 bikes in there with God knows how much other stuff in there.... Rambling.... Tip my hat in your direction sir, very well done. Nice, tidy, well lit and roomy place to work which will bring dividends itself. Brilliant.!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. 4 bikes in a single garage is good going. I was thinking today how much easier my 6m x 5m is with only 1 bike in.
  7. Pee-po :D

    looking good :upyeah:
  8. Thanks guys. Its been such a frigging ball ache but now the end is in sight Im a lot happier and actually getting some sleep. As you've all seen i have a very large garden and also quite a big drive so im hoping come summer to have a bit of a gathering and a big ass BBQ so if there are any southern members you will be welcome.

    I've now started on the ceiling and getting the keep warm stuff in.
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  9. Awesome - id be up for that - Portsmouth....that's a doable distance from Bristol....although im ducatiless at the moment but may have another one by next summer (that's the plan anyway...)
  10. well you need to pull your finger out and get one then ha ha :p
  11. Well...if I turn up in the rsv4...I could park on the street... On the zed, next road and on the KTM, the next town...
  12. i will allow the RSV4 as it was either that or the 1098 when i was shopping for a new bike so i may have a bit of a perv on it for a while
  13. so work has continued even in the piss poor weather. luckily it highlighted a leak before i put the ceiling up

    luckily i had some help over the xmas period from a few friends. I invited them all over for a roast but dident mention the fact that to eat they would need to assist with getting the rest of the ceiling up. Although out of 18 18 sheets all but 4 i did by my self. Even the mother got involved. Just got some floor paint ordered so a few coats of that down to keep the moisture out should be done next week. Has anyone used epoxy floor paint on wood before? any words of advice
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  14. Need to check if the chipboard flooring has a waterproof coating (It usually does). It might need sanded before you coat it. Best do a test sample. Multiple thin coats better than 1 heavy coat as well.
  15. Not used it on wood but have on concrete. Check the instructions as mine needed to be over 10C before it would cure and there was also a humidity limit. Recently it's either been below 10C or chucking down so pretty humid, so I wouldn't use that paint at the moment. Sure they're all different though.
    Also get some help in as mine said it cured to touch dry in 2 hours but it was sticky like glue after 1 hour so a bugger to paint after that. Rollers easier than brush.
    Not an expert though and only used it once.
  16. I'm going to take a sander to it if the test patch doesn't take but I have noticed that is not completely water tight as once its sat on there for 10 or so minutes it start to soak in. Ill probably try and get hold of some lino off cuts to go round the work bench and high traffic areas.
  17. I put down 2nd hand rubber backed carpet tiles. Did my 6mX5m garage for £22.50 and have spares.

    Carpet tiles rule.
  18. Well done, you should be pleased with yourself considering you have never been in the building trade, if i can offer some advice if you attempt such a task in the future, the floor boarding should be laid with a staggered end joint like a brick bond it would be much stronger.
  19. i got about 200 of them for free from my old office when they replaced the ones in the walk way as every a few drips of coffee from every person in a 400 capacity quickly makes a mess. im assuming you got them on ebay?

    thanks :) I did think about that after we had finished it but by then it was a bit late :sweat:
  20. Yep.
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