Entry doors are mainly plastic with small glasss window (double glazed). The other two garage doors are double and metal.
Not sure it will help if the glass windows are small but mine improved a lot by putting up curtains. I believe it is to do with how quickly the air inside warms up compared to the items (bike) inside. Air warms quicker so condensation forms on the bike. I noticed all my bottles of bike cleaner, windscreen washer fluid were soaked on the outside in the morning as they were in direct sunlight. put a blind up and they are bone dry. Might help, might not, i'm no expert.
Thanks mate! Speaking of ACF 50, I've just had a load of it arrive on my desk. Might have a go putting some on over the weekend!
Q. Do you have mains power to the shed? If yes then buy a tube green house heater 40w or above (£30)...put it under the bike and cover the bike...no more condensation...... For more of my products see MirrorMaster the original Mistfree Mirror makers
Interesting.. Problem is the garage is far from a shed, it's pretty big, can fit 4 cars in it, as well as two trailers and a workshop at the back, has work benches, racking and currently 4 motorbikes in it. All at the same time. Heating it would be a mare! But something underneath could work! Thanks for your advice!
Sleet? Great, I'll get out on my Santa Cruz Tallboy MTB downhilling; really the best way to get 2 wheel action over the Winter, practice sliding, falling off, jumps, wheelies, bunnyhops, all while keeping fit!
They are salting in the south west tonight, I had a text from the gritting team earlier to say they will be treating through my site.
Blooming hell how much salt do they need to put down? They have put tones of the stuff down here today.
Yep/ just had one trundle past me - showing 12c on the thermometer- are they cooking the grit? Still , get the 916 out early tomorrow - should be some nice speedway action in the bends! Top banana !
Yep. Cold and dry forecast for the weekend down here. Hope to get the KTM out. Got a 4 litre bottle of ACF50 on stand-by.
i bought a cannondale trigger for a bit of fun, god its heavy and hard work. used to a 22lb hard tail! :Wtf:
wouldnt sort my new house out, 400 year old, cold damp streaming with condensation, whan it rains, it runs through the windows and under the doors, like a ducati, they call it character i believe ?
400 years old?? 'Bout time you levelled that sucker and built something modern and useful in its place!