Just one more sleep till my new Dvt arrives tomorrow !!!! ...yeh I'm excited !!!! It's coming from Riders in Bridgwater first thing in the morning, picked up an as new Evotech rad/ oil cooler & engine guard set off eBay yesterday, Puig don't seem to make a nice screen for the Dvt as yet : ( weather looking bad tomorrow, Saturday & Sunday, so at least I'll have some add ons to tinker with : )
hi Steve, enjoy your DVT! pitty you don't like the new Puig screens. I just received their new racing screen and like it a lot!
yep Steve, that one in reality the indentation is pretty nice and decent. My Multistrada is in for a service :wrench: and the new side stand issue. next week it will it be wrapped to a Pikes Peak :sunglasses:, and then I will mount the Puig screen. will share some pictures of the results.:Snaphappy:
Nice one. My 2011 S Sport one was supposed to come today but postponed until probably monday. Where you getting it wrapped?
Well, it could only happen to me ! The delivery driver managed to get his van stuck on the grass verge blocking the main entrance to the holiday inn, less than 500 yards from my house ! The coach full of pensioners weren't too impressed, they wanted their dinner !! Gary the van driver had to wait for a chap from the Cardiff branch to tow him out, she's all safe & sound in the garage now, no harm done, only slight let down, I thought the base model Dvt had led lights, but no : ( ....the 2014 base model I just got rid of, did have led front lights, figure that one out !?? Looking forward to some dry weather now !!
Aha now that's funny. My bike is coming from Riders Bridgwater but the delivery guy was driving to Newport and maybe Cardiff so could only fit in a trip to Dorset if he got back a bit quick so maybe it's the same van which explains why mine is coming Monday!