Oberon rear wheel nut, eek.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by steviegasgas, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Hi, just had a rear wheel fitted today, tried yesterday at the garage with an Oberon socket, long bar on, tried to turn and the nuts centre just warped like cheese until the bar spun on the socket, trying not to panic as i am leaving Thursday i jumped on ebay, contacted a very nice bloke who lived 40 miles away and advertises a socket on ebay that can be used with power tools, airgun etc, went there, picked it up, £69.98, took it to the garage and voila, off the wheel came.
    Its now tucked under the seat cos if I have a tyre problem my reckoning is i can always find a tyre but may not be able to get the bloody thing off!!!
    Hopefully not be needed though!!
    Carbon trader is the name of the company, quality product, u gets what u pay for!
  2. £70? Christ, he saw you coming :biggrin:

    You can get a suitable proper socket for half that. My local motor factors even had one in stock.
  3. Really?? Didnt even think about trying them out!! But can it do the front aswell? I dont feel as bad if I got one which does the price of two!!! :wink:
  4. Oberon charge £40 for the correct socket that fits front & rear. Desperate measues I guess.
    That will teach you for having flash lightweight bits and bobs!
  5. Read the post......Oberon made of cheese!! It just mangled in front of me, the bar just twisted through the Oberon socket!!
  6. Heard of this happening a few times with Oberon sockets
  7. No, it's just a quality 55mm socket, £25 including the 1/2" adaptor. I already had a 30mm socket in my toolkit, but they're only a fiver. Sorry chief :biggrin:

    I got given an Oberon socket, it's already started to twist the drive face. I keep it under the seat for emergencies as a "better than nothing", but wouldn't rely upon it.
    #7 Doodle, Oct 2, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
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  8. Indeed,after 2 rear wheel removals my oberon is getting chewed . Will be looking round some local tool shops.
  9. Haha, nobody likes a smart-ass!!! But ya got me on this one, I just assumed that it was a special Ducati-esque tool needed, Bugger, bugger, thanks for cheering me up!!! :rolleyes:
    Right, off to look ebay now for some more stuff I dont need!!!!:upyeah:
  10. Tis ok, I've learned the hard way too, never take anything for granted and always double check your prices.
  11. Get it red hot with a blow torch then drop it in a bucket of water (I'd say old engine oil but the elf and safety brigade would be along).
  12. If the square drive was produced all the way through it would be better at coping with the high torque, I was given one that had split out from the 1/2" square drive ...it was only 1/2" deep would probably be good in steel or titainium but aluminium needs more "help",...design error.

  13. +1 - happened to me

    Stainless steel is the way to go - I just ended up getting a cheapish SS socket for about £25 - not as neat and small as the expensive one and doesn't include the socket for the front - so you pays yer money etc
    #13 Bob_Cooper, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  14. Given the torque these need, I wouldn't be using alloy sockets (and especially not alloy wheelnuts). Get a quality steel item, preferably impact socket but you may need to grind off the chamfered opening to get a good grip onto the thin nut.

    Think I paid about £10 but some years ago, I would expect £15 - £20 should see you right.
  15. I bought a proper 55mm 3/4" drive steel socket and a 3/4M to 1/2"F adaptor, whole lot cost about £25. Dont mess with alloy sockets/double adaptors and all that tat, you need a proper steel socket (talking about the 1198 with a 55mm nut and a 230Nm torque setting). To remove just put a decent sized bit of wood ie 3x2 through the spokes onto the swingarm and just wind it off or torque it up, no marks, no damage, no fuss !
  16. Why make a tool out of aluminium that has to withstand over 200Nm of torque? It just won't do it!

    Buy the correct Chrome Vanadium sockets - you save a fortune and at least they work time after time.

    14.99 for a 41mm or 46mm socket for rears on 916/848
    16.99 for the 50mm socket for sprocket side 1098/Multi
    17.99 for the 55mm socket for the wheel side 1098/Multi
  17. Oberon stuff is normally top gear. They are very helpful and their aftersales service is good. Maybe email them about your problem and perhaps a link to this thread. They will probably improve or withdraw it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Ther oberon wheel socket device belongs in Poundsaver or Poundland, along with most of the other bling tat they flog to suppressed harley davidson owners.
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