959 Euro 4

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by SissyMc7, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. I was sure I'd read somewhere that Euro 5 and 6 are only incremental changes, while Euro 4 is the big one. Those figures seem to confirm that.
  2. the big one was the second one. 3,5%co 1200 ppm hydrocarbon down to if i mind right 0.3% co 200ppm hydrocarbon with lamda .970-1.030.
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  3. So they are all in Paris, signing up to whatever. I seen 3 bikes today and a scooter. Bikes should have been given a dispensation, or ignored. If they do emissions on my lawnmower, I'm ballocked. Is my strimmer now for the bin.

    I just might drive my 4x4 into work tomorrow as a protest.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. I would rather shave my eye balls and chew razor blazes than ride a silent bike, :Vomit: what exactly stirs your soul?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Whats new there?
  6. Mmmmmmm diesel...... Noise, smoke....lovely jubbly
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. :speaknoevil:
  8. What?
  9. There are lots of easy answers to restricting global warming if they wanted to but you wont see any taken that effect the big multinationals as they pull ALL the strings. It will be you and me that pay for it in taxes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. and development costs.
  11. The monkey is covering his breathing organs
  12. Some good documentaries have shown scientific proof that global warming is happening with or without human contribution. Its just another excuse to tax us. again....
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  13. Good news for some then - no MOT on bikes in France.
    Filled up my 4x4 with diesel this morning at 76 pence per litre.
  14. During the last global warming event, 7000 years ago, the north sea flooded a huge area. Must have been down to the invention of fire or something.
  15. Anyone tell me if it will rain next Thursday? We would worry about nothing to worry about. Wouldn't we.
  16. Acceleration! As much as I can get however I can get it!
  17. Yes, Euro 2 finished off carburettors, since it is only feasible to meet the limits with electronic fuel injection. The big one as you say.

    Carbon monoxide levels have dropped right down until nobody now thinks they are a problem, along with lead and sulphur. So everybody forgets about carbon monoxide, lead and sulphur and focusses their worrying on other issues nowadays (mainly oxides of nitrogen and particulates).
  18. Cornering and speed. Noise helps but I'm sure they'll synthesise the noise for safety reasons as well as the emotional need for noise.
  19. The climate has been changing ever since there was a climate. Ice cores suggest that CO2 levels lag temperature, not the other way around.

    Deadlines to save the planet and tipping points have come and gone.

    CO2 levels have been significantly higher in the past yet didn't lead to runaway global warming.

    The Himalayas still have glaciers, polar bears still roam the Arctic and we can still ski in Scotland.
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  20. Let's hope Ducati bring out a range of jet skis and snowmobiles
    • Agree Agree x 1
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