This is a great idea, a neat, inexpensive and highly effective ICE (In Case of Emergency) solution for motorcyclists - ID cards with family contact info and essential medical info for use by the emergency helmet 'tags' so that the medical services know to look for the Rider ID card (3M special adhesive appoved/safe to use on helmets;-) More info: Motorcycle Safety ID, Motorcycle Rider ID, Wallet Card for Motorcycle Please 'LIKE' their Facebook page to help spread the word ;-) Vital ID - ICE Motorcycle Rider ID | Facebook ....I'm nothing to do with the company other than having set up the FB page for them. Wef 1st October 2012...
Or just finally grow up as country a d get those pasky national I'd cards. After all you have young people card so they can prove in legal, consistent way they are overage. Seniors have a senior card, few people that want I'd card and so on. My ID card has all that info plus a I'd number which can be used by embassy to look for my file
I think a very good idea the dog tags may be a bit Iffy and garrotte you! Il have a look . Mind you people prob moan about sticking stuff on lids!
Agree with you there, Lucasz. I got a UK National Identity Card as soon as they started in early 2010. Then unfortunately this government idiotically abolished the scheme even though it was well underway. It will all have to be done again in a few years, inevitably.
USB dog tags are no good. The services won't use them for fear of introducing a virus into their system.
I use a ICE ID that is like a watch strap, very good and comfortable and safe to wear. WRIST ICE. A medical id bracelet / wristband for cyclists, runner, joggers or other athletes that do cycling, bicycling, running, walking and more.
If you have something that needs rapid/instant intervention in the event of being unconscious, I can see the point (although ironically most people in that situation will already have this covered). For me, it seems a little irrelevant. I have no allergies or issues that require "extra" attention and my driving licence and EHIC card live in my wallet, in my inside pocket of my bike jacket - they'll find them soon enough and then know who I am, where I live and have access to my medical records.
All these things are a little over-egged, in my opinion. All you need is a little sticker with the relevant details on it. Maybe a quid, tops. Anyone got a printer and vinyl cutter I can borrow..?
That would be ideal.....hi-vis marker/logo on the lid and an ID/info card for the owner to complete and carry...........simples the case of the RiderID system the adhesive is a 3M product tested and proven safe for helmets (I think the only issue with sticking stuff on helmets was with the old/cheap polycarb lids anyway?) This was the original ICE concept, still worth doing (costs nothing!) but yes phones can get smashed and in this day and age who's to say the paramedic or whoever would know how to access info on various phone models....or the phone may be 'locked' Yes there's quite a few different systems available.........a benefit of this discussion, making people aware of ICE (In Case of Emergency) and that there are a number of different ID/info 'systems' out there...........then it's personal choice as to what if anything you chose to do. Hadn't though of that.....a good point! I have a 'traditional' set of dog tags with blood group, 'no allergies' and a contact number on..........but I do like the hi-vis 'stickers' the RiderID system uses and the ID/info cards for even more info. ....just like any 'insurance' you hope you don't ever need it but in the worse case scenario certain info available to the emergency services could make a big difference.