So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. You could sit about with your helmet on again. - That's a great idea and I would do that if I wasn't sat in the office :frown:

    Check out Jimmy Saville jokes? - The man's not worth a second thought IMO :rolleyes:
    Eat a lemon cheesecake from Prêt à Manger? - Sadly Holmfirth doesn't have a Pret :frown:
    Sneak off and visit the zoo. (seek out the giant anteater - always good for a laugh) - Think my nearest zoo would be about 2 hours away unless we are talking about Holmfirth on a Friday night? :wink:
    You could also send a huge bouquet of flowers to your wife - for no reason at all. - She'd think I'd been up to something or was about to do something to get into bother :rolleyes:
    Go and have tea at the Ritz - Last time I was there for a meeting (with a Russian Oligarch who was staying there at a cost of £800 a night) they wouldn't serve him as he didn't have a jacket and tie on and refused to wear one. I on the other hand was suited and booted, cos I knew that would happen. :smile:
    Eat potted shrimps on brown bread - That's do-able when I get home :smile:

    Or go swimming - you'll feel all virtuous and clean. - That too is do-able, but before I've eaten the potted shrimps on brown bread :smile:

    Go and buy an electric guitar and an amp - Already have one. Might re-string it though tonight as I found a set of new strings on Sunday that I'd forgotten about. :smile:

    Loads of stuff to do to feel better - You're right and I feel a tad better thanks to you. :upyeah:
  2. You could always ride down here for a bacon buttie
    Bet that cheered you up
    NOT :-D
  3. I would have liked that. If we'd arranged something first thing I would prolly have come down, but at this time of the day I'm going to have to decline unfortunately. :frown:
  4. Will do it next time for ya
    I been working so only just seen your dilemma
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  5. Took my sons 97 Toyota Starlet in for an Mot-passed with couple of advisories,Hooray.Now sorting out a mortgage to pay for his next years insurance!!
  6. Send him up chimneys to pay for it!!
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  7. You seem to bomb about the country so much, I always you imagine frequently in London, but maybe office is in Yorkshire or some other strange barren land! :)smile: watch out - better duck)

    I tried to have tea at the Ritz a long time ago - my mother's idea:
    "I'm sorry but Sir is not wearing a tie".
    "True, but I'm sure you can lend me one."
    "Sir is also not wearing a jacket."
    "Ok, tea at the RA it is, then".

    Not quite the same.

    You can't get potted shrimps here. I pine for them on occasion - particularly good on waver thin crustless brown toast. I suspect a glass of Talisker would really wash them down, or indeed a Young's Special London Ale.

    If you've got an electric guitar, then just plug it in, switch on the distortion pedal and make a whole heap of noise. You'll feel better immediately!

    Glad I'm cheering you up!
    (I may have to take some of my own advice. I did go to the circus zoo on Friday night - was working across the road. A huge white double-humped camel tried to take a chomp out of my head, but I just withdrew it just in time. Also stroked a zebra and watched the elephants getting hosed down, which required them to lie down. An elephant is bloody big, even Indian elephants. Amazing creatures. The whole experience perked me up no end - definitely worth the CHF 7 entry fee.)
  8. The office is indeed in Yorkshire. In fact we are/I live in Last of the Summer Wine country. And the pub they sometimes filmed in is about 100m away.

    However I have to say I couldn't/can't stand the programme. Though it does still bring bus loads of "blue rinse" old dears every day to the town to spend their money :upyeah:
  9. Noo am I the only person in the world who did not find it funny?
  10. Trying to move big boards about :( ouching
    Miserable as my little Honda is waiting for its throttle cable :( my work bike.
    My nerve block wore off totally 2 weeks ago and I've got another 12 days before I go in for fresh lot so hurting lots .
    Had to go through Oc health at work who said I'm now covered by Disability act as can't lead a normal life with out meds and treatment.
    Didn't see this all happening to me in 2 years :( :( determined to work and ride!!!
    I'm a stubborn bugger.
    And no belly to do raspberrys on lol!!!!!!!!
  11. It was god awful. About as funny as a turd in your soup.
    I have never even attempted to sit through a whole episode. Life is waaaaay to short.
  12. Hey El T, when are you next coming to Norwich? Promised to buy you a coffee and meant it. If you know we'll in advance I can usually ensure I'm not at work so I can meet you.
  13. Phew thought it was just me who didn't find it funny!!!
    How did the BBC get away with that show for all those years!
  14. :upyeah:
  15. Finished putting the floor tiles down in my garage :smile:
  16. By the time you've finished getting everything ready for the new toy you'll of spent nearly as much again... If it was me would I of done the same as you? Damn right I would :upyeah:
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  17. It was on TV for 37 years, which made it the longest running comedy on TV in the world.

    I say "comedy" but I would be lying. The scenery is good though :upyeah:
  18. Chris, I'm not due in that neck of the woods for a bit. It could be into the New Year. But I'll give you a shout when I do. Thanks :smile:
  19. Just bought a nice set of 1981 500SL Pantah fairing, tank and seat in original ice-blue with red & blue decals. I always liked that colour scheme.
  20. Sounds like a good start. Have you got a frame and motor to hang them on?

    It was a brilliant colour. Maybe that's why I have a very similar colour on my Alfa. Nostalgia for my Pantah.
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