Very good point. I almost clicked on the Like button but there really isn't anything to like about it, it is a disgrace.
Totally agree also it's a disgrace how those gangs of blokes in Yorkshire got left to carry on for years . It's beyond my comprehension .
Also was happening in Derby but in the interests on not being accused of racism the authorities turn a blind eye to the obvious There is something horribly wrong with the system when the police can pour huge resources into locating a misguided couple that have eloped and at the same time ignore sex gangs operating and being protected by being able to play the race card
It's happening in so many places with so many cases still being investigated and to come to court. The Race card is definitely being used, but not by the perpetrators, it's being used by the social services and police to cover incompetence and dereliction of duty. I have a 14 year old daughter, I'm less concerned about her maths teacher and more concerned about the potential harm from feral Asian men.
I went to an all-boys school in South Africa and when I was 13 we had a very attractive teacher who would have us stand on our chairs to recite answers to the class...she rubbed our legs while we did so ...she was sacked after the first term, much to our disappointment. :frown: Much better however, was our English teacher who, while being a decidedly average-looking 30-something with a good figure and a great pair of breasts, took a shine to some of us and from 14 - 17 I would pop over to hers occasionally to clean her swimming pool and wash her car for pocket money...she introduced me to heavy petting sessions and her gorgeous boobs in the aforementioned pool. Sadly I heard she too was sacked about 5 years or so after I left school so someone must've been ungrateful. Did this harm me in any way? Not a jot! I cherish those memories. However, clearly I was up for it emotionally and this can't be said of everyone and hence why we have the rules we have. I don't condone what this 30 year old bloke has done and support him being held to account. I would be extremely angry and revengeful if my daughter experienced this abuse of trust with a teacher but on some level I guess, that while my teacher and I never actually did the deed nor fell in love or anything like that, I'm a bit of a hypocrite given that I thoroughly enjoyed being the young teenager on the receiving end of an erotic education. Flirting with female staff at school and Uni who we fancied was just par for the course in my day and it does raise the question: is it different when it is a young boy as opposed to young girl with an older educator? I'd say, to some degree, yes - boys tend to be seeking a physical exploration whereas girls that age more focussed upon romance and therefore more vulnerable in terms of what they are getting into and after a completely different experience.
My 14 year old son would look to be pretty mature due to his physical size (well built county level rugby player and sprinter), but at 14-15, children are children, and should be looked on with a higher level of care and protection, they are, in the main, naive and vulnerable. I would be more than bit peeved if a female teacher abused her position of "power" and authority. Anybody who does this sort of thing from their position of authority (teachers, clerics, coaches, scout/brownie leaders, etc) deserves all they get, and more. Pete
My stepson is 15 (just) and 6ft 1. (I'm a short-arse in comparison but he's from good, Viking stock). He's a flirt with the girls and has made comments about a certain foxy teacher at his school before now that he thinks is hot - he's at an all-boy's Grammar school so more prone to do so, as I was back in the day. If he approached me and revealed a bit of a fling with the aforementioned teacher I'm not certain I would do anything at all if I thought he was emotionally ok with it and didn't appear damaged by the experience. I'm not sure his Mom would feel the same however and she would probably have words. My stepdaughter is 13...cheeky little devil too, not shy at all and I'd protect her at all costs and wouldn't tolerate any abuse of position in any form from her teachers. Heck, I raced to her school last year when she came home in tears due to a spot of bullying and created a fuss until I was convinced her Teachers got a grip and controlled it. With my stepson, I'd have needed to be sure he was 'Man-ing up' to the situation and there was nothing more he could do before I'd intervene. Am I being a Neanderthal? My wife would think so...:biggrin:
There is an interesting difference in tone between this thread & the Jimmy Savile thread, where a man in his 30's (during the 50s & 60s) had "contact" with teenage girls in the back of his Roller, into which they had willingly entered, and are only now, in their 50's & after his death, are the repercussions on their psyche manifesting themselves. Is said difference due to the fact that Savile looked like a weirdo rather than a trying slightly too hard to be rock 'n' roll maths teacher. And for those who are saying that this most recent predator would be a better first encounter for Megan than some spotty yoof, because he obviously has some respect for her and has a nice steady job, what utter bollocks. If he had any real respect for her, his profession or the law of the land he would have resigned his post & kept it in his pants for the couple of months until she was sixteen. The fact that he was "clever" enough to take her to France to get his jailbait jollies is pure sophistry & just shows that he'd been researching this, which, to me, is highly disturbing.
Both are as bad as each other in my eyes. Both abused a position of trust. Both calculating and are grown men who know right from wrong . There is no excuse . A child is a child .
The teacher may well be a serial pedophile and this is only the first time he's actually been caught running off to France with a child. I'm sure if he's done it before now, this will come to light. Best we tar him with the same brush we are using for that romantic old fool Saville, who apparently kept falling in love with young girls in the back of his Bentley.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say what I think . Il get flamed but ... I'm sorry it's terrible about little Amber. But please why why let a 5 year old play out in the street?? I'd never ever do that. Even though its rural ... Look at jenette Tate? Sarah Payne? The Soham girls? I would never let a child that young out without adult supervision same as little Madeline ! I know we used to play out as kids but we know better now and at 5 years old???? Poor little mite has a disability it turns out as well... Yes I feel for the parents it's every patents worse nightmare and they will have to live with it . But for gods sake parents need to realise in this day and age it's not safe. Probably never has been but nowdays we are more aware. Sorry just how I felt .
I agree. When our kids were aged 5 they were never allowed to play out in the street unsupervised, nor were they ever left at home on their own. No doubt the parents of the kids you mentioned feel guilty - because they are guilty. They didn't commit the crimes, of course, but they did fail to take reasonable precautions to prevent them.
Got to agree with Hellcat & Pete here. I never let my boys out on their own when they were young, they were either with me or with people I trusted to ensure they were OK. And at five years of age, the number of people I trusted to look after them was just about zero.