Hello, would like to know some feedback if possible on some tyre warmers. I'm looking at the moment these two brands: Thermal Technology - performance model and Thermorace - one. The thermal technology are litle bit cheaper but very interested in thermorace also. Anyone using them? Thanks for any help.
The HWW didn´t know about them! Thanks for letting me know, but Capit and HWW cost more 100€ or more, than the options i'm looking for... Thats why, i would like to know more about thermorace and thermal thecnology... My price range is about 250€.
Thanks for the link:thumbsup: Have you tried them? Not much information in their description, makes me bit unsure...
The Diamond got my attention...:handok: Just waiting/searching for some feedback on thermal thecnology... Thermal Technology Performance SE Motorcycle Tyre Warmers The product info on these looks impressive!!
well after thinking a litle bit, i might go for capit tyre warmers...:handok: Just have one question, i have 180/55 rear tyre. In their site they mention size L for this tyre. Will the XL size work? im asking this because what if i want to use 190 rear tyre in near future, the L wont work...
Recieved yesterday the capit tyre warmers from Motoshop! Have to say, very very good service! Just to give some first impressions, the capit has amazing quality and i look forward to next year use them, as im sure they'll do their job very well!