1200 DVT Dvt Test Ride Vs Kawasaki Sx Youtube Vid

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mad_Sunday, Sep 29, 2015.

  2. 15 years bike license..0 points...10 years spent in the logistics industry doing 60hrs a week all over the UK in 3.5t+ vehicles..no points...conclusion..nothing is stacked against me..
    Only time a policeman every pulled me was to say "bloody hell, by the sound of that thing we could'nt catch you if we tried could we?"
    But carry on with your assumptions..I must say this is funny..never read so much grumpyness on any other forum...isn't ducati supposed to be "the Ferrari of bikes?" Looooool
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  3. Eventually settled on the Red..KTM made me smile on the day (it is genuinely good) but the Multi is...well it's the Multi..
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  4. Well this just got interesting :pompus:
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  5. Welcome Yar D Blah - you might have set this thread alight :grin:

    I'm interested that you went for the Mutley. I recently test rode a standard Multi followed by the KTM and it really had me torn. I test rode the old Multi and absolutely loved it and was expecting the DVT to me the same x2, unfortunately for me it just didn't feel the same and bizarrely it actually felt slow. The handling was absolutely great, brake feel great, but the low down grunt and overall pace felt lacking. I then got on the KTM and that was like holy schmoses! Blimmin' rocket ship to Mars!! To me the power and speed between the two felt like chalk 'n' cheese. I half wondered if there was something up with my test steed (settings checked out as ok tho).

    Anyway, let us know how you get on when it turns up. I might see you in the hood of saaaaf London but you'll probably leave me for dead!

    Shiny side up :wink:
  6. Well said - I enjoyed the video keep them coming
  7. I have to object to you calling the forum this on the grounds that I don't understand what "dibby" is and I feel the need to object to anything I don't understand. :wink:
  8. I believe "dibby" is the exact opposite to "dobby" hope this clears things up for you. :expressionless:
  9. Well Dobby is from Harry Potter - so is Dibby from the Twilight Saga??
  10. I enjoyed both videos and it's great to see anyone enjoying bikes with such enthusiasm which I found infectious. I rode the DVT and to be honest my 2012 MTS is staying. I've grown to love the lumpiness and think the DVT subtracts from the bikes character to make it more accessible to the public. It's horses for courses and we should all try to be a little less judgemental of otter people's bikes, riding style, preferences, or whatever? Stay cool, share the joy and enjoy the ride
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I love Mr Yah answering his critics!
    Riding was a bit fast at times, but mainly on a clear road (albeit built up area)... you really need to get yourself out of the urban landscape and find some decent roads in Europe (then the fun really starts).
  12. I was going to say the same. I look out for and like to see the YouTube videos people post comparing different bikes, and was especially interested to see how a few guys were comparing the DVT to the XR. I was hoping to see Yar D Blah's video showing a bit of town riding, and then getting out into the countryside to open the bike and give it the beans. Maybe if he's still speaking to us he'll consider that for the next one. :wink:
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  13. Well done mate, I thought from the start that smart guy and then you kinda ruined it with the KTM verdict. Let's say you're now resurrected ;)
  14. I thought the clue was in the colour of his skin on his hands at the start of the video ......... what difference does that make ....i'm Scottish, so pasty pale blue skin colour and can ride like a twat when I want to :) ??

    As for the video

    I liked the video ... bloke clearly enjoying himself on a test ride in a built up area of London (Gypsy Hill area from some bits I thought I recognized). I was lucky on my Multi test ride as I had dual carriageway, city and rural B roads to scratch on and ride like a twat to see what the bike could do, all within 30 minutes ..... I liked it so much I bought it...if he had ridden to the exact letter of the law he would have maybe got to 40mph....how much fun would that have been woohoo...no thanks.

    EDIT: just seen that he joined and posted....that'll teach me to read the whole thread before replying
  15. Well you've just confirmed my first statement really haven't you with the total crap you just posted, me saying his he black or just thinks he is, is racist is it,,, total bollocks, I didn't notice the colour of your hands so genuinely wondered if you was white but thought you was black. you soon jumped on the defensive though with a load of assumption when you know nothing about me and I'd say by the comments your the racist or just looking for sympathy,I couldn't give a shit what colour your are or if you ride I called you a twat because of the speed you where riding in a built up area, I notice one or two edits in the film, wonder what you did there then. you can find me here Heros Fitness – Gym, Fitness, Weights, Classes in King's Lynn most nights look me up if you ever in the area and I'll tell you to your face " your a twat" ps: would you like some vinegar ? oh and I like your latest video much more
    #35 Barrycg, Dec 11, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Calm down Barry, you called him out in the first place....
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  17. hardly, and not by the response I got lol
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  18. "I'm not a racist" screams the guy who's only reaction to a "BIKE REVIEW" is "what is he black"....hmm...I'm looking for sympathy? Lol!..lets see excellent job? Check..loving wife? Check..healthy kids? Check check check! I'm about as far from "woe is me" as you can get. As for my speed; well I hope the God of Biking gave you a big cookie for permanently doing 20mph in a 20 and 30mph in a 30 and so forth..I wonder if the majority of the biking community adhere to your Saintly practises? Keep drinking from the fountain of shit there buddy, from the sound of things you love the taste..come and meet you? Aww how quaint! What makes you think I'd waste one drop of Shells finest to embarrass you further?..you've seen the video..you know where I am..although I warn you..London has grown a tad err...diverse. you may experience discomfort. Well all this flutter has helped me to digest a rather lovely roast partridge I had a few days ago! Enjoy being less than relevant pleb

    Happy Hols to the rest!
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  19. All seems a little negative to me for a bike forum, can't we all kiss and make up. Not really the done thing you know is it. Lets all be happy chappies eh
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  20. I agree. The BMW S1000XR isn't that bad. Be nice to the Germans. Its Christmas and they're doing their best. At least their making motorbikes and not Messerschmitts. (They used to vibrate as well).
    • Funny Funny x 1
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