You could radiate it, with enough cooling fins that extend far out beyond the atmosphere. Not terribly practical though.
Data points always form a cloud, but within that cloud there is a trend, often enough. As such, the points in the cloud are "random" but then you use tools to discover a standard deviation and a correlation if there is one. So, extreme weather events can be random, but then you plot them on a graph and see that although there is "noise" there is a trend. In this sense, an extreme flood might be random, but part of its extremity is probably caused by climate change, ie, it wouldn't have been so extreme without it. Mind you, taxing beef probably would be a good idea. It would stuff MacDonalds for a start and that can't be a bad thing. I still think your "rolling the dice" is a vey bad idea. What if you find that climate change was real and catastrophic? What's the Plan B? There isn't one. So if you want to gamble with the destinies of billions of people, fine, but I suspect that most people would think that this was very unwise. Are you a gambling man? This is what insurance is all about. You hope it wont' happen, you don't think it will, but you pay a premium to cover yourself in case it does. Greening up is very like this. Suppose you are right and AGW is a figment of everyone's imagination, or isn't important? We will have wasted our insurance premium. But suppose it isn't, you'll be glad to have coughed up. This just makes sense.
Turkeys don't fart and burp enough to make any real difference. As for veal, a calf isn't going to fart and burp as much as a cow. So no. Sorry! I'm a bit of a fish fan, but there just isn't enough of that. Crap, isn't it?
priorities init and not wanting to restart that on this thread nuclear war maybe? £167bill global warming deffo but cancel £1bill carbon capture competition and green energy subsides. it's all about choices