Track engine comprising 748RS parts assembled around a standard 748 crank and 3 phase generator. Pankl rods, HC pistons, RS cams with light weight springs, 36mm inlet/30mm exhaust, worked heads, RS adjustable belt rollers/cam drives, RS gear cluster. Dyno'd at 120 hp/58 lbft and completed 1 full and 2 half day track outings since full service. Asking £1800 bare as is or £2100 including alloy slipper clutch complete. Will be collecting from MRs tomorrow if more pictures required. Andy
Engine is back home now and looking at the original title of the post, I decided it was a bit pretentious so have edited it. I understand the point of the standard crank and generator flywheel is rotating mass. The full monty RS needs to tick over anywhere between 2000 and 3000 rpm which is fine if you have the cash backing of a race team but not very useful for the every day track junky who needs reliability and longevity. This engine happily ticks over at about 1100 rpm and has engine braking although it isn't quite as rev happy. I should add that I was running bog standard 1.6M engine management with a JHP 748R 50mm open exhaust 1/2 system eprom and PC3. Always happy to discuss my favourite topic but be prepared to be bored senseless . Andy
Sounds a great engin Did you build this yourself arnt the rs cams a bit harsh I have a supposedly 748 98 rs engine with SP's cams goin on dyno in a couple of weeks time will let you know what it produces cheers Do Days
I bought the engine already built from a collector who I was introduced to by a mutual friend. RS cams do have an aggressive profile which does tend to shag valves and valve seats at the constant high revs used during a race and I am told you were looking at anything up to 13,500rpm. My engine guru told me that by restricting the revs to a more gentle 11,000rpm and running 20 minute track day sessions, you take the sting out of the equation and increase the mileage between refreshes significantly. The sacrifice is loss of top end HP which I do not want to (or if I'm honest could not) use anyway. Selfishly, I'm alright Jack as I have a second Frank Wrathall Developments built RS engine as a spare in addition to new barrels, HC pistons, valves and Pankl con rods which is why this particular engine is for sale. It was my original intention to run 748R cams but when the opportunity to buy 2 complete race engines came along, I couldn't be bothered. Good luck with your build. Andy
Engine still sitting on my dinning room floor instead of being in a rolling chassis giving it large around a track. Prepared to negotiate on the price if someone wants to make a sensible cash offer or I could be persuaded to exchange for 1098R road or track parts of equivalent value. Andy
Engine is still available and I want my dining room back. If there is still no interest in a couple of months time, it'll be stripped down for the individual parts. Andy