1200 Loaded Tuneboy Map And Cruise Yesterday

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JagDucati, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. After being a bit disappointed with the DVT test drive i decided to keep my 2012 for another year.
    One of the few features i really wanted was the cruise control.

    Found all the tuneboy stuff on the web but decided not to risk it before my summer trip around Europe. Just put up with the numb right hand for another year.

    But hey - winter time is coming so i thought good time to load on the Tuneboy stuff.
    Ordered it a few weeks ago and it only took about 10 days to get here from Oz.

    Yesterday decided to go for it.
    15 minutes start to finish - job done.
    Instructions a bit wonky but managed to figure it out.

    Okay - out for a test drive for 20 minutes to make sure all okay.

    4 hours later got home.

    Brilliant - Cruise control works perfectly.
    Map - doesn't really do much to the power (but there enough anyway) but really smooths things out from about 0- 4000.

    Really impressed - wished i'd bought it years ago.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Interested in this
    I have a 2014 GT
    What bits did you need to buy and where from ?
    Any pics?
  3. Interested in this too, any exhaust/air filter mods ?
  4. TuneBoy - Engine Management Systems

    All info on above site.
    No pictures as all it does is remap the standard ECU.

    Actually it says Ducati racing now on the display when you switch it on.

    As well as the standard map there are lots of trim files for different exhaust systems etc.
  5. Which trim file did you use? Or did you flash just the cruise map? I have the cruise+tune one, but don't have the o2 wideband sensor at the moment, so I tried different trims. What did you purchase?
  6. I didn't load any trim files as my bike is just standard exhaust and filter etc.
    I bought the Map and tune kit so may experiment later.

    It was really the cruise i wanted as my bike seems to run just fine and I'm happy with the performance anyway. New tuneboy map is an improvement anyway.

    So unless i get bored and want a custom map I'm just going to leave it like that for now.
  7. Ok, thank you for the reply but I didn't understand what you mean... You have to install a trim file... Did you install a trip file with all zeroes?
  8. you don't have to install a trim file - you only need a trim file if you want to trim the default loaded with the map.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Hmmmm strange, I can't even click on the "upload map" button without adding at least one trim file... I don't know why, but I don't doubt you can. Thank you for the reply.
  10. You should try the tuneboy quickshifter! It's fantastic, both up and downshifts with autoblipper. I had a custom map done as well, easily as smooth as a DVT now!
  11. I had the full MIVV and decat system fitted. I could never get it tuned properly and maps made it difficult to start. The bike never ran quite right, lumpy at lower RPM's and backfiring a lot. I decided to start from scratch. MIVV system off and on with the stock Pipe and CAT. I removed the throttle bodies and gave them a thorough clean along with air box, filter etc. I also removed and cleaned both injectors using a syringe and 12V battery. All back together I then balanced the throttle bodies. I found the rear cylinders bleed screw turned out 1 and a half turns, I made it fully closed same as front cylinder. Ive now got a laptop with Windows 10. After setting up the software from scratch I then erased the ECU back to stock. Now uploaded the tune.dat a blank map and the other two maps were the termi slip on with cat, closest to stick I reckon from what's provided. Reset APS(twist grip) then TPS(throttle body sensor). The bike is running the sweetest I have ever had in 3 years of ownership. Went for 2 hour ride and the smoothness at lower rpm is a joy to behold. I've still to live tune it on road. I plan to strap my laptop onto the tank so I can view the target box and make sure it's all recording and updating properly. Reading through the Tuneboy documentation I believe "roll on" function is the way to go for this.
    The procedure is a bit vague from the manual and I reckon there will be a fair bit of trial and error before I get it tuning properly. I'll put a helmet cam on and see if I can record what's going on, there doesn't seem to be anything relevant to tuning your bike in road anywhere in the Internet, it all seems to be Dyno based and unfortunately I don't have that option.

  12. My mobile Dyno setup....(couldn't find a bigger laptop!)

  13. So I got out with the laptop strapped to the tank for a couple of hours. With the target screen open and roll on selected I proceeded to accelerate in first gear slowly through the rpm range. I can see the white dot passing through the box and cells being populated in the fuel table. It's not a text book as some of the Dyno videos but it seems to be working.
    Doing the same with different gears I start to collect a fair bit of a/f results. Not really sure what I'm suppose to do exactly in roll on mode. The a/f table doesn't seem to be updating (greying out) so I stopped and selected auto tune also. I still don't think it was updating so I occasionally stopped after some runs and highlighted the bold figures and hit key 'C' to correct the fuel table manually, the figures now become greyed out. Now I start feeling a difference in the fuelling the bike is definitely becoming smoother and it is quite noticeable. So just working with different gears and going through the rpm range, stopping and manually correcting the table with key 'C' seems to be doing the trick.
    I also start logging, bit late but anyway........ Hour or so later laptop battery dies and I start heading home. The bike feels great and I start wondering what it's going to be like after the second cylinder is tuned.

    Now I think I made a mistake with the saving file, infact I didn't as the battery on the laptop just ran out. I thought after pressing 'c' the table was updated and the ECU automatically, not so. After I got home and shut the bike off I plugged the laptop back into a power source put the ignition on, pulled the trim file from the ECU and compared it to the termi slip on trim I had been using. Unfortunately it was the same so I hadn't saved the corrections into the ECU. Lesson learnt and will make sure I run the log from the start and try flash the table with the corrections before the battery runs out.

    Next ride I'm not going to use roll on or auto tune. I will just try and populate the tables using each gear through the rpm range, stop and manually correct the trim table by highlighting the a/f captured bold numbers and hitting 'C'

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  14. Now I know my fuelling is going to be good I've just ordered the Quickshifter. There are discounted offers at Tuneboy at the moment.
  15. Enjoy the quickshifter! It's fanastic!
  16. Bought tune edit with CC , also got the QS , in early December , on sale , it was shipped with version 5 key , will install all in the spring when I also install my Leo Vince decat., anybody know the best trim file for 2011 with LV decat and stock exhaust ?

  17. There are 3 trim files provided that were tuned without the CAT fitted- Termi Full, Termi Short and MIVV. When you flash your ECU load all 3 of these trim files and go ride and test which one feels best. Note that these trim tables are to get you in the ballpark with your fuelling. It seems most are happy with whatever trim they felt made a difference and stuck with it however to get the full benefit install a wide band and fine tune the map to your own bike.


    A side note- I had the decat and MIVV system. I uploaded the trim file for the MIVV but couldn't get it to work so eventually after plenty head bashing I reverted back to the stock system.

    Lessons I've learnt over the passed year or so with the tune boy and getting to a level where she's smooth.....

    1) Ensure your injectors are clean (good spray pattern)
    2) Close both air bleed screws (cw)
    3) Balance throttle bodies
    4) Flash ECU
    5) Reset APS
    6) Reset TPS
    7) Tuning the trim table (Dyno/on-road)

    Good luck!
    #17 johnnysneds, Dec 14, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  18. If I only knew what you lot are talking about ?
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I confess I am confused
    Have looked at their site and I cant work out what bits are needed
    I am interested in CC not too fussed about tuning as happy as is though am about to fit a LV decat
    Do want to use nudge buttons
    So which bits do I need?!
    Do I need to buy the key as well as the kit?!

  20. [​IMG]

    You need the cruise control only kit (319AUS$) plus the additional nudge button (79AUS$).

    However you've thrown a spanner into the works by saying your going to decat your exhaust. I might be wrong but this could mess up your fuelling. For 479AUS$ you get the advance tuning kit plus the cruise control kit (not sure if the nudge buttons comes with this package, doesn't say).


    This option will also give you the option to reset your throttle position sensors electronically at the twist grip and at the throttle bodies. Something that normally requires doing if you mess about with your exhaust/air filter etc.

    You could chance just going with the first option for just under 400AUS$. Afterwards if you decat the bike and it runs like a bag of nails there is always the option to purchase the extra tuning key for 159AUS$.

    Agree there is too many options from Tuneboy and it becomes somewhat confusing. Their trying to milk the money out of us by tempting us with the various "add-ons". With the release of the new multi which includes cruise control (and quick shifter ?!?) as standard maybe time for Tuneboy to compact their options a little.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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