1200 Bodywork Screws

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by MotoNik, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. While washing the bike yesterday I discovered one of the screws for the hugger was missing, so had a pinch one from the bodywork as a temporary fix. Aside from direct from Ducati at great expense, does anyone know where I can buy the black bodywork screws from? Specifically the ones that have a profiled shape to the head. I could obviously get non-standard black ones off ebay but I'd like to keep the little details stock.


  2. You may find that sourcing a replacement bolt from Ducati isn't as expensive as you think. Andy
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  3. I concur. I have bought one or two, and they are not expensive at all. The same goes for a few others parts. For some reason, I go through gear change rubbers like there is no tomorrow, and the cost is very small.
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  4. True. One solution is to buy some tubing and hacksaw off a short length to slip over the screw, to act as a spacer.
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Great, thanks chaps. Good excuse to go and have a mooch around the bike shop on Saturday!
  6. Take all your panels off, fuel tank off, airbox, throttle bodies and refit everything......I always have spare screws. Use them for the one that you have missing.
    • Funny Funny x 7
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  7. 8 quid for the Ducati screw ....I know, I lost the underside one as well on the hugger. My dealer looked after me :)

    EDIT: mine was the underside one on the mudsling thing on the back wheel that needs to come off every time you adjust the chain :tired:

    different from the hugger
  8. £8 for a single screw?! Ok, eBay it is then. That's outrageous!
  9. speak to the local dealer, they might be helpful as mine was/is

    should really give Seastar Ducati a mention as they have looked after me on both older Kawasaki ownership over the last 15 years and now on recent Ducati ownership
  10. I bought the same screw the originator asked about, and it was nowhere near £8. Pick up the damned phone and call your local dealer and get the actual price. It ain't £8!
  11. #14 johnnysneds, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  12. I have suggested replacing the corrosion-prone screws which Ducati insist on fitting with stainless steel screws which will last for ever. Admittedly this costs money. "If you can't afford" to do this, stick with the OEM parts.
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  13. You're right, I'll sell it immediately, because really I somehow snuck through the means test that all prospective owners must take before owning such an exclusive vehicle. :D

    Seriously! You're wildly missing the point. Owning and maintaining a vehicle - any vehicle - is something that not all owners take seriously, and some people might scrimp on properly maintaining. Not me. The point is I'm not going to be ripped off in doing so. You want to pay £8 for a screw? Fill your boots! Personally I'd rather buy a part that's just as good elsewhere for a fraction of the price and spend my saving doing something more fun. But hey, each to their own!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. No, I am not missing the point at all. If you bother to read the replies, mine included, the screw in question does NOT cost £8. I have purchased one, so I know that it does not, but I have already stated that - unless the price has increased astronomically. You say you don't want to be ripped off, but you have not even bothered to find out how much the screw costs. Why let facts influence your opinion? As you say, each to their own.
  15. Look, my issue is that as a Mechanical Engineer I know what things should be made from and how much they should cost. Even paying £1 for a screw is a rip-off.

    Anyway, thanks to you all for your replies.
  16. As far as I recall, it is much less than £1. You appear hell bent on declaring it a rip off, and you don't know the price! As an Civil Engineer, I find that logic baffling. Ducati might be guilty of many things so there is no need to invent things. Considering the logistics involved, the cost of these screws, in my considered opinion, are not a rip off.
  17. In that case everything is fantastic and it's happy days all round. Off to go and rummage for change down the back of the sofa...
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