Hello From Yorkshire

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by jock mcsporran, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Living in Thailand sounds good.
    Angola though. What was that like?
  2. Maybe Mr Mcsporan can answer that. Long time ago since I was there, not the kind of place you go on holiday!
  3. It's work. Don't see too much of the place although it's bloomin expensive (think $25 for a chicken wrap and a portion of chips).
    Not the first trip to Africa, previously been in Nigeria, Gabon, Algeria and Egypt, with a few years in South America, Middle East and Asia. The travel novelty wears off quickly.
  4. Looking at it from my lofty perch of complete ignorance it sounds like you've had an amazing life. But I'm guessing it's not all been good. I lived in Antwerp for about 18 months (I feel almost embarrassed to mention it :confused:). I let the agency I was contracting through talk me into going ex-resident so I was only allowed into the UK 1 day in six (something like that). It wasn't hellish but I did feel a bit isolated at times and I was definitely ready to come home at the end of it. Nice beer though. :blush:
  5. Just getting back to this.
    Unfortunately you don't really get to see the places you visit and many of them have security risks as they're not usually on the tourist trail. (Plus the fact that we regularly end up working away during Christmas/birthdays/etc). Thankfully I'm only usually away for a few weeks at a time.
    It's not all bad though and it's a good group of lads that we work with. I guess if I didn't still enjoy it then I wouldn't still be here missing another Christmas.

    Anyway, happy christmas all. I'll be having whatever the catering team put together for us (and maybe a beer or two by the pool).
  6. Thanks, you have a good one too.
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