So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Sorry about that. I've had it twice. TBH, it's not as bad as all that. You'll be fine. And it's a whole lot better than the pain that goes with not having it done (personal experience).
    I've broken a bit of one of my crowns again, so I am getting stuff stuck in my teeth. These porcelain crowns are supposedly indestructible, but I seem to be able to destroy them. To be fair, I hadn't broken one for some years. I think it was a bit of unexpected bone in my brawn.
  2. All the very best to you AirCon.And a reduced pain Xmas as well.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. I actually had the root canal done last week BUT there was a problem with one of the canals so my dentist referred me to a specialist (with all the kit necessary to do a really thorough job) so this is the second time in a week.

    I was in the chair this morning for 2.5 hours and the good news is he managed to do the job. The bad news is that it cost me £550 :eek:

    And I've got to go back again on the 6th January to have the procedure finished :(
    #27343 El Toro, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
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  4. And seasons greetings to you and yours too Merv (especially Mrs Merv ;) ) :)
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  5. You only truly appreciate the genius of the 996 fairing/Dzus after spending an hour putting a GSXR fairing back on.

    4 more bolts (end can) and i'm ready for a very paranoid ride wondering what I've forgot to do up correctly. On a positive note, 0 bolts/washers/nuts left over!
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  6. That will be a dunking
  7. witch! witch!
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  8. @5:48am
    Wife: Honey?
    Me: Urgh?
    W: I'm worried......
    (thoughts race through my mind, cancer, has she found a mole, other health issues, the kids, family/friends, money, job, mortgage.......)
    M: what is it babe?
    W: I think we are a little low on sprouts.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Running around last minute jobby this morning. Have to go to the car dealers to pick up my van which went in for its 100,000 mile service. £2,000 worth of work had to be done.
    Got the lad's PlayStation 4 sorted, with Fifa 16 and 3 month's online gaming as well. I just can't wait to see his little face light up tomorrow. He hasn't got a clue... Thinks he's just getting the game and the console later on 6th January. (He's more Spanish than English and that's when they dish their presents out).
    But I'm 100% English and from Yorkshire so he's getting nowt from me in January! :)
    • Like Like x 4
  10. And happy Xmas to everyone while we're at it! :)
  11. Got the 998 home for Christmas in one piece (bit grim out there today)
    Just spent sometime cleaning the dirt off it, time for me to get cleaned up now, have a coffee, chill and get into the festive mood i.e. hunt for all the snacks etc reserved for tomorrow.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Sitting in traffic jam trying to get to bike shop. So annoying
  13. Heh. Heh.
    Preparations for the Xmas dinner this evening are afoot.
    I have just got the carrots, parsnips and brussels sprouts out of the garden. There is something brilliant about getting the fresh veg for your Xmas dinner out of the garden.
    Now down to the cave to select one of the few bottles I still have left.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Nice. We are doing our dinner tonight too. Turkey is in and 2 bottles of wine breathing.

    We have to make do with just Rosemary, thyme and bay leaves from the garden.
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  15. I prefer gold crowns, which really are indestructible as far as I can tell. I also like the look of them, although that is a matter of opinion and gold teeth have gone out of fashion. For now.

  16. always in fashion - this sort of look?!


  17. choosing your wine by colour, year. region, nearest the door, most expensive/cheapest or you just like the look of the label?!!
  18. I have found a bottle of Château Pichon Longueville Comptesse de Lalande '99 in the cave - from the days when I still had a little money...
    It's looking good!
  19. Pretty much going by oldest left, now. After 16 years or so, the stuff is probably not going to get any better.
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