1200 DVT Healtech Quick Shifter

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NJW1967, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. I recon with a little work with kill times you should be able to get a good downshift even without the auto, the multi does have a long throw gearbox I suppose that's why kill times are 85ms I run around 58-60ms on other bikes with the translogic.

    I like the healtech kit due to the plug n play aspect .
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  2. :flushed: PM sent i think !!!

  3. Thx Pete, great video, quite impressive on how good it actually is, 1st - 2nd has always been lumpy with a lot of shifters because of the long throw even the XR i had didn't like 1st-2nd, be careful who you send that video, to the speed was in KH tho [emoji41]

    Thx for sharing.
  4. Just got feedback from HealTech and it appears that the sensitivity setting instructions are a bit misleading. The higher you set the percentage the less sensitive the unit is to gear lever movement. So my setting at 20% explains the few unplanned cut offs. I will be moving it to 60% today.
  5. Right some one shoot me. Quickshifters are for going up the box. Not down as some seem to think. An autoblipper is needed to go down the box. Or have i been riding bikes wrong for the last year or so?
  6. Like upside down? Are you in Aus now?
  7. Received the quickshifter last week and installed it. Thanks to the guide, it was pretty easy. Works good so far.... Used the setup wizard in the app to configure it.
    Cut off is on 90ms; sensor threshold on 60 percent, cut off delay 15ms.

    BUT there's one major issue. At random times, the bike stalls... Happened to me twice today. One time during upshift into 5th gear during acceleration and one time (this was a very dangerous situation) during downshift from 3rd, 2nd into 1st coming to a roundabout. The bike just shut off, back tire blocked and almost passed me. I was able to stay on the bike and stopped just before the roundabout.

    The bike hasn't done this before, so I'm assuming to 99 percent that it's the quickshifter. Anybody know what might have happened? Is there an option in the app I need to change which I haven't payed attention to, to stop this from happening?

    I read on the Healtech troubleshooting page that apparently you can disable the downshift function.... But on my app (v.1.6) there does not seem to be this option anywhere. Don't know if this would keep the bike from stalling, but then it wouldn't have stalled the first time during upshifting.

    Any thoughts???
  8. Python, i suspect its you unwittingly touching the gear lever and causing the cutoff to happen. It happens to me when i select first and drive off from a stop. I tend to keep my foot over the lever and the slightest touch causes a cut off. You could try reducing the sensitivity to 40 and or increase delay to 20ms. Alternatively concentrate on NOT touchimg the lever until u make a positive gear change action.
  9. B1stoboy: thanks for the info. That could certainly be. I did notice, while cruising at a constant speed, when I just touch the gear lever (without shifting) the rpm drops for a second. Could be that I touched the gear lever while breaking and stopping.
    You wrote that this has happened to you too... Did your engine shut off completely as well?

    First thing I did was to set the start range higher (from 2500 to 3000rpm). Below this range, the quickshifter shouldn't work... Weird though, as I tried shifting with the quickshifter at 2000rpm after setting the range in the app to 3000rpm, and it still worked without using the clutch (?)

    Has anyone found an option in the app to turn the downshift option completely off???
  10. Yep the engine dies. There is a new firmware upgrade available make sure you have installed it.
    Re upshift only, i seem to recall something in the installation instructions about this.
  11. Python, have you resolved your issues ! Be grateful for some feedback, I'm about to bite the bullet either healtech or Translogic.
  12. I'm waiting too !!!

  13. How much and where from, not sure the QS is worth it but the downshift thingy may be
  14. Python, your cut off time looks a bit too long?

    I have this unit fitted to my DVT and all works perfectly, cut off time set to Auto, but reduced to 75ms, 60% sensitivity and 15ms delay.
    I did try reducing to 70ms cut off, shifting was smoother, but was missing 5th to 6th shift when on steady throttle.

    If I warm the bike up and carry out the "cut off test" the bike will splutter and occasionally cut out, maybe this is what's happening to you if you're catching the gear lever as stated above?

    Dave, go with the Healtech, fantastic bit of kit, half the price of the Translogic, and no cutting of wires, so not traceable warranty issues to worry about!
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  15. So its a QS only then, no autoblipper?
  16. Thanks for the input guys.
    I changed my settings yesterday and went for a test ride:

    I changed the sensitivity (threshold) from 60 to 80 percent (the higher, the less sensitive) and the cut off delay from 15 to 20ms.

    Went on a 200km test ride and the engine didn't die once on me.
    1st into 2nd is a little bit clunky, but way smoother than before. From there on until 5th gear it's as smooth as butter. Even on constant throttle.
    I did however get false neutrals when accelerating from 5th into 6th.

    This might have to do with the cut off time itself, which I left at 90ms.
    I will try solomans input and move the cut off time down to 75ms.

    Does reducing the cut off time itself make the shifting process smoother soloman?
    Did the engine ever die on you with the settings you have (60percent/15ms/75ms)?
  17. Sort of....reduces the time the power is interrupted for, so, you shouldn't get that feeling of the engine dying and the picking up again with the nose diving, should just be a nice, smooth "cough" allowing the next gear to engage. If you go too low though you'll find false neutrals everywhere.

    No, engine never died using the settings above, but need to get some nice weather to get out and refine things.....I'm sure with a little messing about it can be improved further!

    Would love to be able to alter cut off time dependant what gear your shifting from, but fear this is a little too advanced for an aftermarket "plug and play" box.
  18. Thanks die the Info soloman..
    I'll try your Settings as soon as I get the chance to ride again.

    Reducing the cut off time could really help the engine dying issue when I think of it. The cut off test uses 100ms... When I did it, the engine didn't die, but almost. As the cut off time of 90ms is pretty close to the 100ms test time, it could be that this causes the engine to die in a particular situation. So, turning this value down (e.g. to your 75ms) might really help the engine dying issue.

    You might want to try the 20ms cut off delay instead of your 15ms... I think that might be the perfect option that I will try next time: 60percent threshold/ 20ms cut off delay/ 75ms cut off

    Oh, by the way: did you activate the noise filtering option in the app?
    This supposedly helps in higher gears to filter out any unwanted vibrations (especially for v2 bikes). Haven't activated it yet though to test if it helps.
    #38 Python4933, Feb 29, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  19. I'll try to 20ms next time out, and the noise filtering.

    That's the beauty of controlling through the app, everything is soooo easy, and can be reversed at the touch of a button is seconds!

    Good luck, let us know how you get on.
  20. Quick update:
    Tried the new settings today (60 percent threshold, 20ms cut off delay, 75ms cut off (on auto) and noise filtering on).
    Seems pretty damn perfect! No more false neutrals, no stalling, no clunky upshifts.
    Only thing which doesn't work very well anymore is the downshifting from 6th to 5th to 4th. I think this due to the noise filtering being activated.

    I didn't want the downshifting anyways, so it's all good. Since the quickshifter is no real blipper, I'd rather just use it for upshifts. I don't want to ruin the gearbox over time with the downshifting.
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