Shocked by M&P Swansea disregard for Tyre safety selling 4.5 year old tyres ! BEWARE

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by sim900sl, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. Hi, just thought I am really confused we lost all our tyres on Saturday 25th June 2011 we had a major fire I used to work there?
  2. I've got this printed on the back of my business cards - strange how many times people tell me "how true" image.jpg
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  3. Just bought some slicks cheap from m&p, emailed first to see if they were old stock first. Turned up and manufactured last year.
    All good for me
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  4. I think in all fairness everyone f..ks up once in a while so they are no different to any other retailer? The thing that makes a business stand out is how they deal with the mess and sort it out to the customers satisfaction
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  5. LOLOL if you don't want them "new",almost-out-of-date tyres,send 'em up here boys,I'll wear em out for ya!
    I'm old school: if they've got some tread and hold air,preferably without any visible bulges (...said the actress to the bishop),that's good enough for me.
    A little bit of skittishness adds to the excitement anyway...and whats the point of riding a bike if it isn't exciting?
    I do wonder why some people ride a bike to be honest..once they've swaddled themselves in armoured leathers,a fucking helmet Darth Vader couldn't afford and slipped their digits into their titanium tipped boots and gloves,they won't ride a bike unless the tyres are under warranty????? Who are these folk,Rossi's faster brothers?
    Each to their own of course,but since motorcycling became a "lifestyle" choice,it's all got a bit fucking sensible and middle wonder no one waves anymore...:weary:
    #145 Lightning_650, Jan 8, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
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  6. I am swapping new brake pads on my GSXR tomorrow as they are 17 yrs old and I think that's pushing it. Rear tyre is 2004, undecided if I should replace that before my track day in March......
  7. There is a pretty basic rule of thumb test to see if the tyre is okay. If you can make a thumb nail indent in the tyre without applying jolly green giant pressure and over a short period of time (30 ish secs) the tyre recovers, then it is good. If it takes a lot of pressure to make an indent or the indent doesn't disappear, buy a new tyre. Andy
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  8. Yeah, they seem OK, they do that, I say, u decided.
  9. Front tyre is new. I'm more worried about the front.
  10. Spot on chap - didn't seem to bother the Aussie hero at Bonneville on his Indian? He actually rode on old perished tyres about 40 years old,trimmed the tread off with a Stanley knife and put boot polish on the sidewalks to get past scrutineering! We've all gone soft!hahaha
  11. I can remember a mate of mine getting a puncture on his very tired Honda 400/4 (reverse cone megaphone exhaust off an old BSA STARFIRE I THINK? Loudest thing I've ever heard?) on way to Bol d'or and those tins of "miracle puncture repair had just come out so he left the screw he had picked up in tyre stuck a tin and a half of that shit in and rode it round for at least another year and only changed tyre when it became so bald it started to split in half! Those were the days!!! Hahaha
  12. I rode my XJ900F home on night, about eight miles of mostly dual carriageway, with a flat back tyre. I took it easy obviously and didn't exceed about 55mph.
    When I checked the tyre at home, there was a hole that I could stick my little finger into.

    PSI? Pah, who needs it.
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  13. My dad and his mates would stuff their tyres with grass,(of the agricultural kind), if they had a puncture,just to get them home.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Home home, they were bloody lucky we just had a hole int' road :)
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  15. Yes, this is possible although rather illegal. I once rode my BMW GS from Bulford to Salisbury (very cautiously) with a flat back tyre, until I found Bathwick Tyres in the Wilton Road.

    By the way, I think doing a track day on tyres more than five years old is bonkers.
  16. Nice idea but Bathwick Tyres was miles out of my way and it would have been closed at that time of night anyway.
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