899 Accessories 899?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by RacingDuck, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Flatfish sells some throttle stops for £30 which are worth doing, I know there a lot of money but bst wheels are worth the money over termis, use your money on them and decore the standard system for a couple of quid
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  2. Sorry if I am being thick, but what do you mean by 'decore the standard system'
  3. You can split the standard cans and take the baffle etc out quite a few people have done it and someone posted a step by step guide of how to do it on here, if it's noise your after and power Austin racing is the only way to go
  4. Will my Ctek which I used on my 1198 work on a 899?
  5. Yes
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Will have a look at the 'step by step'
    Thanks :)
    Not really after any noise I had an sc project pipe on my 821 hypermotard, it was so loud it would set car alarms off when I started it!!!!
  7. What you 'must buy' is a little subjective really, for me I had to have the Termi cans whereas a lot of people are happy with the standard ones, also I wanted to replace as much of the cheapo looking plastic with carbon bits, but again, it's not really essential, whatever you end up getting for it I'm sure you'll have a blast riding it!
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  8. I've got standard cans on my 899, way, way loud enough! Ask my neighbours I'd like termis for the deeper tone but not essential. I changed the plastic bits for carbon, hugger, chain guard, front bumper, key surround and suspension guard. Got it venture shielded and an evotech radiator guard (essential) oh and an R&G side stand shoe.
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  9. It's commonly quoted that Termi's with baffles in are actually a little quieter than the standard cans, that's what I found on my 1199 and a few others I've read said the same thing. My baffles are out mind, my neighbours/wife love me for it :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. good move the 899 is a fantastic bike, and makes the 1198 look like a dinosaur :upyeah:
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  11. induction noise on the 899 puts the 1199/1299 to shame. The noise is intoxicating. I wouldnt be too worried about a termi on the 899 if it was mine.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Hope so!! Deposit paid Pick it up on Thursday :)
    Just really hope I don't crave for more power as Im more used to 1000cc inline fours when it comes to sports bikes.
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  13. With respect to the OP I really think people should take a good look at their riding on the road if the 848/899 series bikes don't have enough power... Fine if u want 'grunt' ie like a diesel but honestly the 899 will be fine. It has the same power that r1's/blades and not much less than the zx10 from the mid 00's... Sorry I know it will be controversial but power is all relative.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. I've got;

    - Seat cowl.

    - Rad guard - absolute must IMO.

    - Tank Pad.

    - Alarm.

    Aftermarket I've got;

    - R&G Paddock stand bobbins.

    - R&G Tank grips.
  15. I would of liked a 1199 really but I ride my bikes and the 1199 eats rear tyres and heavy on fuel so I went for the sensible option but we always want more power!
  16. The 1199 IMHO (don't flame me!!) is very peaky and I found a little disappointing. A 1198 I am convinced would make me squeal but the 1199 was just so top endy, which is cool if that's what u are expecting, when I got on it I was coming off my 848 Evo and genuinely thought it was quicker sub 70-80 out of corners, until I learnt to ride a 1199.
  17. Consider yourself flamed! :smirk:

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. Currently;
    Dark screen
    Rad guard
    R&G Chain and shock guard
    Tank protector
    Pillion pegs removed
    Tail Tidy

    Will be getting the carbon hugger/fender, exhaust and key guard next up.
    #38 Red899, Jan 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  19. Out of interest, I see everyone recommending radiator guards
    Has anyone without one had problems ?
  20. My bike had 3k miles on it before I fitted one and I didn't have any issues.
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