899 Which Fuel

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by graeme4130, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Hi All
    I've been running my 899 on Vpower 99 like I do my car
    However, i was in the fuel station the other day, and a guy with a 1299 came in and filled up with 95ron. We had a little chat, as you do, and he mentioned he's run his 1299 on both 95 and 99, and never noticed any difference in power or response.
    If i run my car on normal fuel, it feels like crap, but I'm yet to try it on my Ducati (My triumph Tiger runs on 95 only)
    What's everyone running their 899's on ?
  2. At 205 Hp I expect 1% of people could tell the difference.

    I run mine on 95.
  3. I use 98RON in my SF848. I always used 95RON in my M1100 and M1100evo because I didn't notice any difference when I tried 98RON. On the SF848 I can feel the difference. The engine seems to run much smoother on 98RON.
  4. I try putting in vpower but if not available anything else will do
  5. Have used both in every Duc I've owned, have never noticed a difference.
  6. Never noticed the difference but like to live the lavish lifestyle in the only area I can... 98RON!

    The wife gets designer shoes and clothes, I get slightly deerer fuel.
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  7. If your ECU is able to alter the ignition timing, Some BMWs can, to compensate for faster or slower burning fuel then you should feel the difference. If you put 98 in a bike that was set up for 95 then you will lose a minute amount of power and vice versa.
  8. Never found any difference in the fuels on any of my bikes over the years, all run the same.
    Save your dosh
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. i run my 1199 on 95 as recommended by the dealer
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Run my 899 on 95. However I seem to get a few more miles with 98/99ron
  11. Yeah, you should
    In theory, you use a lighter throttle opening and less fuel, for the same amount of power, so a preset journey at a preset speed would use less fuel
    Whether you'd get, say 5% better economy for a 5% more expensive fuel, who knows
    That's the theory anyway
  12. I thought the higher the octane the slower and more controlled the burn. So you can advance the ignition more without risk of detention.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. The knock sensor should retard or advance the ignition accordingly
  14. Exactly. So the engine will run fine regardless of fuel.
  15. Depends what mood I'm in and what fuel station I'm at. If I'm in Tesco and their super duper 99ron is at a decent price I'll chuck some in, but if I'm at some random garage in the middle of nowhere that charges a fortune I'll normally be a tight arse and stick standard 95 in. Never notice any difference and don't really care about gains/losses in mileage. Fuel economy isn't what I bought the bike for, I have no idea what MPG it does!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I've tried 98 on all my bikes and apart from the two strokes I've never noticed a difference. I run mine on 95 octane because 80% of my riding is now the commute to work, but come spring I'll put the odd 98 tank in there in the hope it's a better quality fuel.

    In some cases though as its sold less frequently it can be older fuel.

    Also worth noting some cars like Impreza's apparently detect a particular knock value and use a completely different fuel map for it, which is what I thought VADGE group were trying to do with their FSI engines, but I'm not big on my car stuff.
  17. Mine always needs fuel in it to run well :smile:
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  18. Most sports cars, and I assume sports bikes, use a knock sensor to measure ignition point based on the detonation cycle, and advance or retard ignition timing accordingly to make it more efficient/powerful
    FSI engines use the injector straight into the chamber bypassing the inlet valve
  19. Looks like 1-2% maximum in MPG gains for 5% increase in price according to this... Newspress

    Although the article is obviously geared towards cars rather than bikes.
  20. But arguably better performance and a cleaner engine
    I've not seen tests on bikes, but I've seen some pretty conclusive evidence on cars that vpower or momentum 99 give better BHP than standard pump fuel
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