899 Tuneboy Downshifter/cruise

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by graeme4130, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Hi all
    Has anyone in the uk had the tuneboy kit installed that gives an autoblip on downshift, supposedly smoother up shifts, and adds cruise control
    The brand appears Australian, and I've seen some stuff on American sites, but nothing uk based to give me an idea of costs
    ducati_Mitsubishi | Tuneboy
    #1 graeme4130, Jan 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  2. Hi Graeme its Graham here:grinning: yes i have at the moment got a tune boy cruise - blipper and shifter and re-maped with Xbikes in Wisbech on my 1199s, he should have done the software and mapping by now he his just waiting for a nice day to road test, make sure all is good. tune boy also have a new version 6 out which has launch control on it but i think there is a small software problem so i will get the old 5 version, i will keep all posted when i get the bike back:smiley::sunglasses:
  3. Hey Graham
    What sort of costs was that ? I'll look forward to hearing what it's like
  4. I was lucky enough to buy the tune boy and cruise buttons from someone on the forum, the cost would be £130 for the tune code key and then re-map, the things the tune boy can do looks impressive it can sort out the fueling and power curves the right ups sound great, also the guy i got the stuff from said it was fantastic, he thought he would never use the cruise buttons but used them a lot when set up, you can actually put the software on yourself if you buy the whole lot from tune boy he said it was very easy and takes only a few minutes? i think the package Tune and cruise from Australia is around £400. Hopefully i will get the bike back sometime next week if the weathers ok
  5. Hi Mate forgot to say Xbikes are the uk distributor he has all the software and dyno to sort it out
  6. Does/can it add anti-wheelie?
  7. no unfortunately,
  8. I'd imagine that'd need some complicated electronic Gyroscope to measure the angle of the bike
    I can't imagine launch control on a bike is a massive amount of use as the optimum launch revs are so variable based on Surface/tyre temp
    I have it on my car, and it's a bit pants to be honest for anything other than showing off with 4 wheel wheelspin showboating
  9. Pretty sure it's done on wheel speed rather than the angle of the bike, could be wrong!
  10. I'm no superbike engineer, but sure a wheely wouldn't make enough difference in wheel speed for it to be detectable ?
    Traction control, yes, but not wheely control ?
  11. Looks like neither of us are quite bike engineers just yet. We're half way there though ;)

    The Ducati Wheelie Control (DWC) algorithm is computed by the BBS (BlackBoxSystem unit) and it uses wheels speed, roll and pitch angle (provided by Bosch IMU), longitudinal acceleration signals

    The DWC control algorithm uses those signals to determine the status of the bike and the magnitude of the wheelie as a consequence of that the system allows maximum acceleration in a safe manner
  12. I'll go back to my day job :)
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