Russia Hatred

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by yev, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Bit melodramatic, was it a parking ticket? :smileys:
  2. you need to walk in another mans shoes i guess.
    i recon if you read the comments section of any news paper with a headline relating to Russia you will see the hatred. telling your self its only a handful out of a population of 60mill aint always that easy.
  3. It is not just aimed at Russia - there is similar hatred for our own politicians. Are Russians naturally a little more tetchy perhaps ;):Angelic:
  4. It is perfectly possible to hate a political regime without hating the people who live under it. Cultures and races exist in spite of politicians, not because of them. People are not defined by their political leaders.
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  5. apart from on ere i haven't really read any articles on Putin or Russia. but i can imagine it goes something like this.
    half the population are brain washed :smileys:
    half the population are cult members. :smileys:
    half the population are natzis :smileys:
    half the population are drunks and benefit scroungers :smileys:
    half the population hate the english :smileys:
    i have read all these views printed in most daily's every day for several years (at least) steered and instigated by so called respected jurnos .
    the simple fact is we know nothing or very little about Russia or Putin that hasn't got a particular spin on it.
  6. theres an awful lot of mongs out there that believe the headline.
  7. We know a great deal about Putin. It isn't spin, conspiracy theory or press lies, we know. The Russian regime scarcely makes a secret of its activities. In fact it seems driven chiefly by a desire for self-advertisement and a paranoid need to continually remind the rest of the world of its existence rather than by any rational or coherent political strategy.
    And if you don't like what you read in newspapers, here's a thought: change your newspaper.
  8. So what do we do, censor the press so that the dumb masses are unable to read anything they might misconstrue? Or do we worry a little less about what other people may or may not be thinking and just get on with life?
  9. your obviously well informed and i mean that btw.
    go and ask the first stranger you meet in the street and ask em what they know about russia. my bets it will be something along the lines of "they like getting pissed on vodka and starting wars"
    they wont differentiate between Putin and the average Russian just trying to get by.
    i dont read any MSM newspapers online or otherwise anymore. new years resolution gimlet.
    unless following a link from an article i have read.
  10. He might be Sev's mate :Wideyed:
  11. could be. maybe sev's a spy?
  12. He lives in London. Is he an oligarch? :Shifty:
    Out with it Sev, are you Boris Berezovsky?
  13. We all know Russians are dodgy and they eat soap.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. That list sounds just like the UK to me......
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I have been to Moscow, Kiev, Odessa and Petersburg, and that was back in the Soviet era. So what? That doesn't make me an expert on Russia.
  16. you must of made an impression seeing as they named a burg after ya. :upyeah::smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. says it all. nuke em. nuke em now. :smileys:
    spiky boot?
  18. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  19. Yep that's her. One of Exige's birds?
    Nora Batty on vodka. Scary scary...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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