So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. What did you do there all day?
    Not much around there, apart from the Cider factory...:biggrin:
  2. And I was correct :-/
  3. :-/ has it ended now
  4. It has for today. This is gonna drag on and on, and the only ones making a crust will be the lawyers :mad:

    On the plus side I'm off to the Lakes for a week with family on Friday. :upyeah:
  5. Yeahhhh
    That will make the week better :)
    You taking the bike?
  6. To be honest I've not decided. If the weather is going to be half decent for the coming week then I will, but I may just leave the decision till Friday morning.
  7. Time to chill with a beer then El T!
  8. Wish I could :rolleyes: I'm one of those people that can't/don't drink in the house unless I'm having a meal with friends. Many's the night that the wife will have a glass of wine or two and I'll have a cup of tea.

    But get me on a night out and I'll do my damndest to drink the place dry. :biggrin:
  9. Today i have booked 14 race circuits for next year :biggrin: roll on 2013.
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  10. wow - cool!

    Spent six hours in the Range Rover today picking the little race bike up from Ducati Coventry - JHP. All mapped up properly and lots of lovely fuel preventing piston meltdown and providing forward momentum : )



  11. Nicky's like that, the only time she really has a drink is when we go on holiday. On odd occasions she'll just say she fancies a drink but its probably on twice a year! I have a can of beer most nights with my tea but that's just a relaxing thing. Did have a few Saturday night but that was because we had friends up from Basildon and went out for a meal and stopped off at the pub on the way home. If the meet at the Tan Inn goes ahead I think I might just have to buy you a pint there!
  12. Spent all day (and yesterday) at an amusement park trade fair in Berlin. I have eaten nothing but crap for 36 hours. Had conference coffee (ugh) and the odd beer. But today at least tried out some 3D simulators (nothing to do with what I was there for but you have to factor in a few minutes of amusement). Now back home. It's not gonna last. Back on a plane to London on Friday et 7:30 to go to the funeral of someone I don't know. Great week!
  13. Picked my new Panigale. Me likey. Me likey a lot.

  14. Urgh, beer and tea together?

    I though whisky and water together was bad.
  15. I do hope we can get something organised. Not for the free beer :wink: , but to get toi meet everyone and to put faces to names. Oh and to apologise to anyone I've upset and pissed off over the year :biggrin:
  16. Oh and I forgot to add, yesterday I put (and loctited) the new bolts onto the heatshield to replace the ones I lost on Suinday, as well as frigged about with my new visor.

    I was like a proper spannery type person :biggrin:
  17. Ah-hah! A misreading of the word "tea" (for comic effect, I suspect).
    Does this not sum up a north/south divide, or a working class/bourgeois divide?

    You could probably write an entire sociologist's thesis on the cultural meaning of the word "tea".
  18. Started work on my SSie that died last year when a cam pulley came undone at 90mph. Front cylinder head removal required, I have a spare pair of valves plus a complete head if required, The camshaft is damaged at the woodruff slot but it might dress out. Anyhow I haven't even got the airbox off, theres such a lot of other bits in the way. Might have to get it done profesionally, might even be cheaper in the long run with the bits I'd f.u. Probably put bits back on it this afternoon.
  19. Got back yesterday from my European tour and today took the 848 in to Sycamore to have them look at a fault that appeared on my travels (yellow light and code En). Big thank you to Glid for making me feel very welcome and the wonderful food. Also thanks to Pete1950 for the suggested route. I had a fantastic time and the weather was kind to me overall. The Duc museum was very interesting and far better than the Ferrari one. Anyway back to normality now :frown:
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  20. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

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