Average Speed Cameras

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. If I see workers, im usually pulled over by the side of the road taking photos to send off to the same people that hunt UFO's
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Taking photos of workers? Fetish?
  3. No, he means it is so unusual to see someone working, it can't be real.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. I am sure you are all aware of the meaning of average, :) so a car passing you at 70 for a short distance and then slowing down will not get pinged, I often over take a car in an area of average speed cameras quite a bit quicker, as for me the risk is higher just creeping past a car, then slow down, I do tend to average 10% at least above average, or that is the plan. so far never been done (touch wood)
    I also often use Camera Alert on mobile, or sat nav, it tells me where they start and finish, and keeps reminding me.
  5. It's tricky. Say it's a 50, and the cameras are set to 10%+1 (56) to do a real 56 you need about 60 - 65 on the clock in most vehicles, so those that cruise by when you are dead on 50 (which is more likely 45) are probably still under the threshold, just by less.
  6. So, I can stop, go like as fast a can get my cb125, then stop for a few minutes before the next stop and I'm safe.
  7. Anyone notice the average speed on their car , bike or whatever. I get 15meh
  8. In speed restricted areas with heavy traffic I set the cruise control at 53mph, keep a reasonable distance back from the vehicle in front and stay in whatever lane I happen to be in. Lane swapping in these conditions is just dangerous.
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  9. I suppose the key phrase here is "in heavy traffic" You wouldn't do that if the lanes to your left cleared, right?

  10. I have rarely seen any workers through the road works I have been through Reading was one of them.
    The times I have their safety is respected at all times
    Gloucester recently had road works with lots of love signs as you went through them which were very effective
  11. Probably not, but it would have to be a significant clearing to move into.

    But if there was some arsehole in a Range Rover 6 inches from my rear bumper I might stay in the RH lane just to piss them off though ;)

    The key to getting through these speed restricted zones where work is (or is not) being carried out is to just chill.
    #51 johnv, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
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  12. Yup
  13. Worse still, flashing the car in front when they clearly have nowhere to go or are already overtaking - It's like driving around with a massive sign saying "I'm a giant douche bag" and guaranteed to make the car In front take as long as possible overtaking.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. When DO the normal rules apply exactly?! Motorway driving annoys the crap out of me because almost no-one actually overtakes and gets back into the left lane - everyone just drifts along like a massive sea of sh1t in the middle and outer lanes...

    We've spent billions of £££s widening the M25 to four lanes and no b*stard uses the bloody expensive inside lane - they think it's a 120-mile slip-road...! :rage:
    • Like Like x 4
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  15. It's true! When there are too many lanes people just seem to switch off. "Plenty of lanes, no need for me to drive by the rules of the road" seems to be the thought process. Or else they become paralysed by the sheer CHOICE of lanes! Too many to deal with! SMH
  16. Usually if it is a roadworks operation 'Stay In Lane' signs are present........

    .....that's when it p*sses me off.........when some twat is on my rear bumper trying to get past and expecting me to pull out of his way.
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  17. The arsehole in the Range Rover might be a police officer in an unmarked car. You might like to reconsider whether deliberately pissing them off by driving badly is really such a good idea. Or maybe you prefer to carry on doing it - good luck with that.
  18. i have a friend who travels to work on the A9 from Pitlochry to Perth everyday and he is adament that the average speed cameras on that stretch are dummys..something to do with them not having a path up to them plus he knows how much was spent in total for them and when he adds up the cost of each camera he is convinced half are dummies..hes never had a ticket on that stretch of road
  19. The comment was in relation to travelling through speed restricted roadworks which, as @Arquebus rightly points out, often has "Stay in Lane" signs. If a police officer in an unmarked car, or anyone else come to that, drives 6 inches from my rear bumper in those circumstances then who is driving badly ?

    When travelling in dense traffic I will drive up to, and sometimes slightly over, the speed limit and will not weave unless there is a decent space to move into.

    I am not advocating hogging middle lanes just for the hell of it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. You said "... just to piss them off". So did you mean that your actions were designed to piss them off? Or that your actions were reasonable and justifiable, so that off-pissing didn't arise?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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