Average Speed Cameras

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. I believe that "He pissed me off first, I just pissed back" is suitable defence in Court and is certain to get the magistrate in your side.
    Try it, you'll see I'm right :upyeah:
  2. No, I believe my actions were perfectly reasonable in the given circumstances, if those actions piss off some arsehole in a Range Rover 6 inches from my rear bumper then that is a bonus. M'lud.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Nice try. But guilty as charged. Take him down.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Best line from a biker, in front of the judge after leading the police on a merry chase over miles and miles on his RD350LC: When asked by the judge if he had anything to say before he passed sentence, he replied with the classic, "If I'd had a new set of plugs, you'd never have f*ckin' caught me!" :-D
  5. So if someone's tail gating you, are you saying live with rather than react?
    Personally in those circumstances I would feel threatened by the action.
    If they then turned out to be dibble, that makes it ok then?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Dibble will always get away with it, because of, ah, training (mere mortals couldn't handle it) and more importantly, because it's dibble.

    You can never rely upon a defence based upon "Well, plod was in the wrong!". Does not compute.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Absolutely. Road craft says the closer someone is behind you the greater the gap you need in front of you.
    • Like Like x 3

  8. Does roadcraft say anything about two chaps duelling on the open road in a couple of tons of metal at speed? One trying to teach the other how to drive?
  9. Who said anything about duelling ? Oh hang on a minute, you did ;)
  10. Yes, the injured party gets the choice of weapons. Duh.
  11. Just to be clear boys and girls. When you are travelling through a speed restricted zone, with heavy traffic (aren't they all ?), the safest course of action is to stay in your lane and maintain a reasonable separation from the vehicle in front. What the arsehole in the Range Rover does behind you is outside of your control, just don't be intimidated by him, don't speed up and continue to maintain a safe gap in front of you. If the lane to your left is clear it is reasonable to move into it so the arsehole in the Range Rover behind can speed past and get a ticket.

    Does anyone have a problem with this ?
    • Agree Agree x 1

  12. :D

  13. Post 51 suggests even if inside lanes clear you'd stay in the outside lane, a choice of confrontation when an alternate course of action is available, but you're just ragging us anyway, in your flat cap ......

  14. If I'm in the Aston, I find if 'smoke' does not work, 'nails' does the trick...as per roadcraft it's having the right 'gear' ......

    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Read that this morning. It's an insurance nightmare!
  16. Can you imagine 5 lanes of M25 without white lines!
    It would be entertaining right up to the moment you get killed.

    A demolition derby on a bigger track.
    Hysterically funny just thinking about it.
    As for the reality.....
  17. The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, seriously these idiots do not drive on the road at all

    "Highway chiefs say blank roads introduce a sense of uncertainty that prompts motorists to drive more cautiously, especially when faced with oncoming traffic."

    Why would you want to cause a "sense of uncertainty on the road"? that will cause more accidents.
  18. I think they are just talking single track lanes at the moment. Still, come round a corner and clip an oncoming car. Who's at fault, who crossed into the other lane?
    • Agree Agree x 2
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