In case you are interested, BVG interview by Alastair Fagan after approx 4 years of trying to hide his identity....
Talking about youtube motovloggers, does anyone watch Snowcat? He's on his second hypermotard after a huge list of problems with his first. The second doesn't seem much better. The link to his latest blog is below. It's a bit sweary for those easily offended. Unsurprising though given the trouble he's had.
I watched and it´s a shame!!! First one was a normal 821 and now an sp... if i was him i would sue Ducati for the problems and risks!!!
Do you really need to spend 20 minutes revealing yourself? Wouldn't it have been better to just take off his helmet at the end of a videos. To me he comes across as justifying himself and seems to be insecure and as a pair of journalists they are a bit amateurish with monotone voices but hopefully they will get better.
Saw bvg(in a lid) on a Bikeshow tv programme boty test a year or 2 ago. Thought he was rubbish and he hasnt been back on the show so producers maybe thought the same.
I think the 44 teeth videos and we site are great. I like the relaxed chat about the bikes and I'm sure they will become more polished over time. I think they are refreshing and given good reviews
I quite like BVG, he's quite funny and off the cuff, it's refreshing. Not really bothered whether I know what he looks like or not tbh as it's not really a consideration either way for me.
Does anyone know his real name? I think I know him, he is my mates brother. Could be wrong though....
Met him last year, seems an ok bloke....His Polish girlfriend had the best tits I'd seen that year...:Hungry:
Her name's Jojo Benz. She's somewhat of a social media personality herself I agree about the tits too
Nice bloke. He has his reasons for 'hiding' his identity. The way people go on makes me laugh. He's not the kind of bloke that thinks a lot of himself. He's just a guy that likes bikes and enjoys what he does. I wish him the best of luck personally. Living the dream in my opinion.
Christopher Eades. I think he is a decent enough bloke, seems a bit lost in life, he's been through a lot recently ( home & work ). Everybody is entitled to their opinion but many of the 'he's a wanker' brigade invariably have the same opinion of anybody in the public eye..
The only reason he attracts this much attention is because he created this mystery about himself in the first place, so his 'unveiling' was always going to create forum chat I agree, he comes across as a decent and normal bloke, and I like his videos Certainly some of best bike related stuff on YouTube in my opinion