Another P#sstaker Of An Ebay Seller.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by imbloodyskintagain, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. So,
    I Bought a pair of front discs, Quoted on listing as,


    So I asked if straight and not worn before I bought them.

    Arrived yesterday and opened box today.

    Discs black centre is bent and parts of it look like been hit with rubber hammer or block wood so as not to damage the black paint/coating, so are more wavy not flat like they should be ???
    (4 of the 6 outer spines are bent and 2 of the 6 are bent on 2nd discs)

    Refund/return requested and agreed by seller, explanation given and pics included, seller then message me saying he sorry not happy with them and asking whats wrong with them??? WTF!!!!



    BENT A.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Shocking behaviour.
  3. If you shut one eye and stick yer finger in the other they look fine
    Someone selling something he ain't got a clue about! Arse
  4. Worse is the fact after I explained that the inners were bent and look like been attacked with hammer, and included those pictures, he STILL asked me what is wrong with them ?????
  5. What's wrong with them? :D
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  6. That's the trouble with tricycle riders they think cable breaks and pneumatic tyres are the devils work
  7. Probably sells the big issue too
  8. Like to say I'm surprised- but I ain't! Place is full of shiesters and strokepullers!Closed my account 2 years ago and don't miss it one bit!
  9. Looks like your table needs to be levelled out, seems to be a bit of a slant on it.
  10. Anyone that takes that many photos of a a scammer......

    If the discs are good, a photo isn't needed......
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Ebay is not what it used to be. Full of dodgy sellers. That said, I wouldn't buy 2nd hand brake discs from anyone. I prefer brand new and piece of mind.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Spot on! Brakes and tyres have got to be new and known make.Put it this way - if you were doing a hooker? Would you wear a 2nd hand condom???
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. It's not just the disks that are bent.
  14. eBay is a minefield but if you are a buyer, and with eBay's protection policy, you are 99% certain that you will get your money back for the item at least, especially if it is a business seller.

    The only problem is if you have to pay return postage, you win some you lose some. But for all of my dealings on eBay I have always at least got my money back and in a couple of cases I have had my money back and not had to waste money on postage returning the item.
  15. C'mon guys.a few dodgy experiences does not mean ebay is the den of thieves currently described.
    Yes there are dodgy sellers,and there are also dubious and dishonest buyers.
    But bearing in mind the huge number of deals done using the site,(and the number of people who are dodgy anyway, in any walk of life),you are guaranteed to have a percentage of unhappy members.
    In the last couple of months I have bought off ebay:
    A used single passenger seat for my van,unseen,from Newcastle ebayer/delivered via Anyvan.
    Complete of oxy-acetylene hoses/torches/tools,(Sealey drop-shipper/ebay)
    Seven LED torches,(ebay drop-shipper)
    Chainset for my bike,(new/ebay)
    Complete mirror arm for a Volvo truck,(ebay parts reseller)
    Two s/hand BSA cylinder heads,(USA/Holland ebayers)
    ...and loads of other stuff...
    Apart from one torch broken in the post,all was good.
    I'm also waiting on an ebay buyer to come for my 1960 Land Rover at 11 today and I sold my Bantam late last night...
    Sorry to be so positive,but I've bought/sold thousands of pounds worth of stuff over the last years,99% quite successfully/no issues.
    I've also moaned and whinged when it's gone horrible or I've had to deal with fuckwits,but you have to put that behind you if you want to enjoy the availability and savings you get from using ebay
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Did you get your money back off Exige?
  17. You have to pay in the first place to get your money back ;)
    Formers are being made this week for those wacky Curley terminals :)
    I sell all over Europe with Ebay and never had an issue. Sold to the Far East too with no issues. Perhaps Ducati related buyers are just a better class of people like this Ducati related seller :Angelic::smileys:
    #17 Exige, Feb 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2016
  18. I don't think it's the "hand" bit that bit that would worry him...
  19. I did mean for those dodgy discs!!
  20. I know :) I don't sell dodgy, just play dodgy :D
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