Many thanks for asking.I have had a very interesting/strange/weird time since starting my new medication last monday week. The main effects have been illegal high type dreams in full colour and detail.I seem to have a little more oomph relative to what I normally have,so that is very joints and limbs are still painful and I cannot take any opiate painkillers,they will not work with the new med.Next week I double up the dose and we shall see what that brings.Mrs Mervyn parked me in the garden this afternoon so I could enjoy the sunshine-lovely.Scared the birds though as I am a bit like a scarecrow/tramp. I do get plenty of time to look at lots of motorcycles,and as always,the completely bonkers and inappropriate ones. I have got one of my old Brit bikes up for sale,if that goes its place will have to be replaced with something.:Angelic: I still manage to stay optimistic,although like a lot of people with physical/mental problems I do have days where the pit can be very deep and black.The fight goes on and I will get on one of my bikes soon.
Thanks for responding but many thanks for explaining a little about how you are . I can only imagine how tough it must be . I have a son who at the age of 5 suffered acute encephalitis . He's a unbelievable son who I'm extremely proud of . I hope your pain isn't getting you deeper into that black hole and I hope you can be as strong as you've been . Keep your chin up fella . I'm sure there will be a bike with you're name on it to ride . Let us all know how you're doing if you can . Best wishes Ady
BTW Merv, I am sure I speak for many on here when I say, pass on all our good wishes to Mrs Merv too. It can't be easy for her and she is in our thoughts as well.
How awful for your son getting that problem at such a young age.It is terribly sad when children and young people have these terrible things happen to them.I am so pleased of your proudness for your son.
Mervyn, I have only just seen this thread as I have been away from the forum for a while. With apologies for the delay can I add my voice to the many wishing you all the very best. The forum would not be the same without news (and pics) of your latest acquisitions so hurry up and get back on those bikes.
I've spent a long time not managing to write this and that's partly coz I'm a bit pished after a night out so I probably shouldn't try. But, fuck it, I'm very moved. Merv and itseasiertosmile, thanks for sharing these, human stories. It's so easy to get caught up in the banality of modern life where people measure themselves in terms of what they own or do not own. These things fall away when illness strikes you or a loved one. The fringe benefits are nice if you are in a position to enjoy them but there's something beautiful in the simple pleasure of watching birds in your garden that you'll never be able to own. I don't know what I'm trying to say really and there's a temptation to back away from this and cover the feeling with a joke. But, fuck that. I guess I'm just saying thanks for reminding me what's really important.
There are a lot of positive thoughts heading in your direction Merv. Keep contributing to this forum and let us know the good, bad or the ugly. Always good to share problems with others. I was also sat out at lunchtime yesterday enjoying the Sun and let's hope we get some dry sunnier weather. Fingers crossed on your current medication and keep positive.
Thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts and words.I find what has been said very encouraging and inspirational.Human interaction goes a long way to help in the moving forward.
@mervyn - I've only just seen and read this thread as I've been away and up to my eyes in muck and bullets at work since I got back. Firstly I'd like to say basically what everyone else has said.........i hope the meds really help and that you can stay positive!! Keep up the fight fella! And secondly if we can arrange a meet when the weather gets better and when you're fit and well enough please bring Mrs Merv along too cos I think we'd all like to bask in her loveliness.
Thankyou El Toro.I couldn't possibly bring the young and fit Mrs Mervyn along.She would take one look at all you young road warriors and would be off like a flash.
Merv,i owe you a big thankyou,i have been wallowing in a bit of self pity for the last couple of months with muscle and nerve problems,i read this thread early this morning and it made me realise i need to get a bloody grip and start thinking positive,i have had a bloody good day today and its thanks to this thread.Merv you are quite inspirational and i would like to give you a virtual drink as a thank you.