Some Cosmetic Surgery

Discussion in 'D16 Desmosedici RR' started by Bullitt, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Had most of this for ages, but decided to pull my finger out with the Desmo and put some of it on today.

    The swing arm covers didn't come pre-drilled so that put the grey matter to try and figure out a way of getting it to all line up. My rather primitive method seemed to work out okay. Looks not too shabby I think sat there against that super expensive MS Production stuff.

    Got the new wheels out of their boxes. Discs and sprocket carrier were cleaned up and put on the new rims. I can't wait to get these on the bike. Should manage that tomorrow if all goes to plan.

    BTW, I used some of the WD-40 bike products for the first time. They're excellent and work very, very well.

    Finally pulled the carbon out the box too. Great pre-preg job on the bodywork and with a few details, will match the oem items. It's that good, it interchanges with the original panels. Nice race nose cone too with ram air duct. Hopefully they'll be painted in the next month or so.

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  2. Wowsers! Awesome stuff!
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  3. Very nice, love the wheels. Whisky collection is looking a bit low though ;)
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  4. Oh sex wee time again :Shamefullyembarrased:
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  5. [​IMG]
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  6. Looking Good, You going for Full Race fairing, or opting for the headlight cowl?
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  7. Oh dear, that is some serious stuff. Very, very nice
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  9. Very nice, price of kit?
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  10. Why do they look so good without wheels :Wideyed:
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  11. I agree - need to stock up and deplete - then repeat!!! ;-)
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  12. I have one of each, so will use the road one when it comes to the annual registration (need light on all vehicles here if use on the road) and the race one for looking good.

    Headlight unit come off very easily on the Desmo. I'm always surprised how easy, within reason, to work on the Desmo - used to scare the crap out of me!!
  13. Cheers.

    Mostly just cosmetic parts - going any further with this bike would scare me. I might put on a Nemesis TC system at some point - just for peace of mind...

    Not sure if you've seen my 1198SPr build in the projects section? That's pushing my knowledge and capabilities!! Great fun though.
  14. Not entirely sure to be honest. I got this kit with a headlight unit (they had never made one before), along with a bunch of other bits for another bike. Price was all in.

    What I do know though, it was far cheaper than an OEM side fairing from Ducati. Those things are terrifyingly expensive!!
  15. And there we have it.

    Tyre's on, balance the old school way.

    All parts reinstalled, bolts/axles/nuts cleaned, greased, locked and torqued.

    The bodywork and radiator/oil guard will wait and be done at the same time. A fair amount of the front has to come off to install the guard, so might as well kill two birds with one ratchet!!

    Looks great if you ask me.

    Huge thanks to the guys at Bike HPS who managed to get these wheels for me.

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  16. Not using the underground car park for this bike?

  17. :upyeah: Good old Dunlop :p :D
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  18. Might have just had a trouser moment
  19. Can't blame you ;-)
  20. Both are in the house at the moment. I seem to be getting away with it, so I'll just plod on blindly until I get my knuckles wrapped..!!
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