Looks like you've got more than a set of springs going by your picture - although it is a little difficult to make out. You've definitely got the K-tech compression adjusters and looking at the top caps you might have the full-on cartridge kit in there too! Probably about £1200 worth of suspension work I reckon. Does it have the standard rear shock?
I was thinking that. Would be odd to spend all that money on the front end which respectively speaking is pretty good... unless the rear is done as well or has been removed by the previous owner...
Yep, rear is easy to whip off and sell separately or fit to your next Panigale, the front not so easy!
Delivered while on the phone sorting insurance at chinese dentist "2.30" lol Went out local on small resi roads and deffo gonna enjoy this one and get a few miles up. Wrists are killing as is my ball sack! Ha ha As for the front brakes they are how u say "lethal" at low speeds not used to brakes that work aka the harley! Also stuck it in spirt as oposed to wet as the engine braking is more compliant and less full on which I prefer I am away all weekend so will pick it up again next week with a few early runs into the office circa 70 mile round trip Well pleased......
I'd recommend avoiding using the front brake at low speeds mate. There really isn't a need, just use the rear unless you absolutely have to. You run the risk of it becoming a habit and it can lead to loosing the front especially if you have any lean. Plus it transfers more weight to your wrists through weight transfer. Your wrists will be hurting because you need to work on your body positioning and grip buddy. Use your knees and get your feet anchored properly and you won't have half the problems. I never get wrist ache unless doing slow speeds around town. They aren't ideal around town lol. Glad you're happy with it mate, as you develop as a rider you will love it even more!
Cheers and yes that makes complete sense thanks. Was gonna crack one about the old wrist action strengthening exercise but nodoubt someone will be along soon.....ha ha
Beh heh heh. It's surprisingly easy to lock the front end at low speeds. Only takes a bit of crap on the road for example. Let's face it the British roads wouldn't look out of place as a world war 2 bombed run way.
Make you right on all counts! Funny when learning was told to always use front brake, has a lesson while waiting for revised test date and another chap said always rear! Rear makes sense at low speed definatley see your point on this now. Thanks
Christ Whoever told you to always use the front is a prize bell end! For track days yes, road not at all. When getting a move on, I never touch the rear. The liklihood of you locking the rear when all the weight is over the front is high. Plus it really doesn't do a lot in terms of braking/slowing you down in that situation. At low speeds I never use the front. Basically anything below say 15mph unless you absolutely have to is rear brake only.
I don't think I've used more than two fingers on the brake for quite a few years now, just don't need the 4 finger approach on these bikes on the road! It's also an easier way to make sure u don't snatch the brake
I've never ridden a sport bike with a 'decent' rear brake. But they do what you need them to. I'm also a two finger braker. I can near enough stand her on her nose with two fingers. My missus them