Ipswich and surrounding areas

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Ghost Rider, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Why not come down to Essex today. There's a DOCGB pub meet going on from 12 onward. Come down via Colchester and I'll lead the way to the pub. If interested we can sort a meet point
  2. Yup, paulk563 and I have been there before......I used to live in the area so I know it well........

    ........but it seems apathy is the probem......

    .....anyway, I don't care......:wink:

  3. No one fancied my idea above your post :smile:
  4. You coming to the Essex pub meet tonight Steve?

  5. A better questions is.....would you both be going to the original venue to what this thread refers to?.............Because if we can get some bl**dy interest we might just be able to start talking about fixing dates....

  6. Al it's like hitting your head on a brick wall round here ...
    I've been keen to get some sort of meeting up even if its for a ruddy cuppa . I admit I'm not the fastest rider so sometimes I don't want to spoil people's fun :(
    Also I'm a bit funny looking but I'm quite shy despite that.
    I've just found suffolk very very hard socially!
    I'm used to London and West Country which where so friendly .
    I get so fed up , my friends who ride jap bikes often don't understand my Dukes :(
    Especially my 400 and it's ritual starting!
    I'd happily trot down to Essex.
    But weekends are best for me.
  7. I sometimes went out for a ride with a really nice policeman and he's brilliant ..
    But we got back late once and his wife bollocked him badly and I think I'm now blacklisted :(
  8. Was it Merv?

  9. Merv? No this chAp rides a MT03 I really enjoy riding about with him he is such a Gentleman :)
  10. I thiink Merv had a Pan Euro but has since got something much sportier (mind you he's not Plod no more)....

    ...I don't know as many as I used to....
  11. Merv the perv? :wink:
  12. I don't know Merv!!! Lol honestly I have no idea who he is .
  13. You don't need to know Merv :wink:
  14. Hi peeps, Just got a Ducati (why does a Ducati forum not like the spelling of Ducati FFS) and joined the forum. I would be interested in local meets and rideouts in Suffolk. Just not "The British Larder" as a base, it may have won all sorts of awards but nobody I have spoken to has a good word to say about the shite food.
  15. Arquebus, how do I find this members map u speak of?
  16. Kickboxer, the map is hiding in the lounge section.
  17. LOL well i have just found this page :biggrin: Saturdays not good for me as i work till 14.00 hrs :mad: Sunday morning's are best.

    As a hit or miss idea i am running a track day ( don't all have a pop ) it is for Cars at Snetterton so not a bad location for the East of the country. It has a cafe but i am providing free refreshments in Garage One all day long from 07.30 till 17.00 hrs.
    The date is Saturday November 3rd so about 10 days away .
    If anyone wants to have a ride out that day and pop over you are more than welcome to call in at the circuit, there are some good roads in the area and you have the offer of free doughnuts and coffee.
    Just a idea ...........
  18. Could I suggest the sorrel horse at claydon, loads of bikes go there. Also we could all prob meet in stow as there are a number of bike shops, one called made in Italy motorbikes, need I say more:). I could have a chat with the owner. I would have to come in the Saab though as the bike is in its winter state.
  19. I don't care where we go.....just someone make a decision and organise it............

    Sorrell Horse I know well, MadeInItaly known well, but not an ideal place for a meet, I don't think.....

    ....there are plenty of places around, but I'm not a pub goer so I can't comment on their suitability.

  20. I can see this thread going on for quiet sometime with very few miles being done lol
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