Anyone know the owner of MX07HZR (Monster, London area)

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Humbug, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. That's a bit odd isn't it???? How longs it been there?
  2. Probably not reported stolen - I've seen the police checking plates before in the car park.

    I'd guess it's been there 9 months to a year? Possibly longer as the tax disc expired 18 months ago.

    Someone that knows Ducati Manchester please give them a call.
  3. That bike was supplied by Italsport, not DM, it says so on the bottom of the plate. Italsport lost their franchise a couple of years ago & prior to that the sales operation was pretty much a franchise within a franchise, so not sure their records will be available or even complete, there were some reports of anomalies in that respect...
  4. Why not report it to the police as an abandoned or possible stolen vehicle, they can trace the owner in seconds.
  5. Or why not simply go to the police and tell them the true story.
  6. Owner could have passed away
  7. That's sadly true.
    If its been there a long time mention it to the police .
    They will be able to trace the owner.
  8. Has the hazardous untaxed bike been removed?
  9. Report it asap to police, maybe if no-one claims it in 14 days??? then it rightly becomes yours? Thats correct for lost property so would this count? Wouldn't that be a good xmas present to yourself!
  10. It's not lost property though is it, if that was the case the next time my neighbour goes away on holiday I'll report that I've found his Range Rover!
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  11. Nope, still there. I've not gone to the police either - partly lack of time, and secondly I really don't want them turning around the questioning round on me, which I can see happening..

    Still, a mystery as to why anyone would abandon a perfectly healthy looking bike. Hope the owner's OK.
  12. One of my neighbours spends the winter months in Spain - I'll report that I've found his house! :upyeah:
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  13. Could be hiding it from her indoors:wink:
  14. If that's the case the love affair is definitely over!

    Mind you there are a few old cars in the garage that never move either, for example a '70s Daimler that's covered in a thick layer of dust.
    #34 Humbug, Oct 16, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  15. I still would report it only takes a call and your hardly going to report a bike you have nicked lol!
    just say you are concerned about it all they will do is run it through the system and see if it's missing or contact the owner he may be working overseas or something.
    as a fellow biker I would
  16. i would not tell the police a thing , atleast not yet , humbug if i was you i would wait till the last day of the 28 day notice , then i would take it amongst my self to take the bike home , go to a van hire place and put the bike on there , and away you go , you are not stealing as you are moving the bike before it gets towen away into vehicle crushing hands . if it was me then absolutley this is what id do .

    then also what id do , and READ THIS PART CAREFULY , id go to the police station only out of interest and enquire about what to do if a vehicle is abandoned and ask them what to do to keep this vehicle if it isnt claimed . just say oh i know someone who has seen this bike parked up for the last 9 months and its not moved etc , just see what they say
  17. It's obvious.

    It's a Q Park. After going abroad for 2 weeks the owner got back, saw the parking fees had rocketed past the £20k mark and abandoned it. Who wouldn't?
  18. Suzuki man - I'm not really that interested in claiming the bike, that wasn't why I posted - just wanted to find the owner in case Q Park go through with their threat of moving it (I'm doubtful, as this is the second notice, but it is a possibility).

    Borgo - Q Park is free for bikes, something I am extremely grateful for!
  19. ok , i understand , however id be interested in claiming it if you would be kind enough to help me or assist me , could or would you be able to ?
  20. I get the impression that the OP is trying to help the original owner, not have it away from under his nose. :rolleyes:
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