Moselle Germany Trip - 26-29 May 2017

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Pete1950, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Just a little bump, see if anyone else wants to come along
  2. Oooooooohhhhh - let me take another look at my calendar
  3. As of yesterday I find I shall have to have some pretty serious surgery, probably sometime in April. I shall be convalescing for some time afterwards, and it may be several months before I fully recover. Realistically it is looking unlikely I will be in any fit condition to do long hard trips in May, so sorry guys. You lot please do go ahead, and send me photos after. I believe bookings at the Hotel Noss can be cancelled.
  4. Good luck with all that you face , maybe a late summer/ Autumn shorter trip could be a target.
  5. Very sorry to hear that Pete, disappointing for you on both counts.

    Get yourself better and we'll schedule a trip next year. It'll give you and any other takers something to look forward to.

    I like the sound of the trip and would love to do it. So put it in your forward planner now.
    All the best.
  6. First off, Pete, very sorry to hear your news. Hope you get well soon.

    I'm tempted to come on the trip if possible?
  7. Thats a downer Pete, hope the surgery goes well and they dont make you cut your hair...nice swimming cap should do it ;)

    @SconuT more the merrier. Not sure whos booked so far, think maybe 3 of us, 5-10 is a good managable number. Tbh I'm hoping we get to 5 plus, or I may decide to cancel mine and do the Donny trackday instead

    @Dave you know it makes sense....
  8. I'm doing the Donny track day, that's why I can't do this trip.

    For those that can't make this date does anyone fancy doing a similar trip on a different date.
    Not wishing to spoil this trip of course.
  9. I looked at the same hotel and its showing as fully booked. I'll look for one over the weekend close by and book it as a free cancellation just in case. If this doesn't go ahead i'd be up for different dates also. Anyway, thanks for the invite.
  10. GWS @Pete1950 - make sure you put next years trip in the diary now :upyeah:
  11. I'll have to cancel my booking at the Noss soon, so they are sure to have at least one vacancy. Let me know when you want to book and I'll do the cancellation just before if you like.
  12. or you could ring em an tell em you cant make it but a mate would like the room? or is things more complicated than that?
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  13. Sorry to hear your news Pete. Essex regulars all wish you good luck. Kf.
  14. How much is the room for the 3 nights Pete? Might be possible to change the name over to mine on the booking?
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  15. Hi all, I've just booked into the hotel Hieronimi from the 27th to the 30th. It's on the other side of the river just over 1km from the one you guys are in and has a garage to store the bike in. Free cancellation up to the 25th May so no problem if the trip doesn't go ahead. My next challenge is to get down to the tunnel the night before as I'm up in North Wales.....
  16. I'm just outsode Gloucester and will be heading there at 0500 ish in the morning, its a couple of hours on a multi at that time. You're welcome to stay at mine the night before and ride down. We'll book a 0900-0920 train probably
  17. Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. I'll let you know. I might head down the day before and stay with some family (i'm from sunny Margate!).
  18. The hotel has my name, address, phone, email, and credit card details with my booking, so changing it over is not totally simple. As I have stayed there a few times Herr & Frau Noss send me Xmas cards.
  19. Ah, in that case I'll just go ahead and cancel my booking.
    Edit: ...which I have now cancelled.
    #59 Pete1950, Mar 5, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  20. All the best Pete.
    Keep busy with us on the forum during your recovery.
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