So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. That sounds painful. :Wideyed: Swift recovery mate.
  2. Ooh, that doesn't sound good. Here's hoping the medical profession get you sorted. Andy
  3. Nasty!
  4. Ouch. GWS.
  5. Poo, I had a prolapsed disc year before last and did lots of moaning on here and everywhere else I could - hope you recover soon, the pain is worse than manful :Wideyed:
  6. That is a nasty thing to happen.All the best for a speedy recovery.
  7. Well there's a quick load of nice replies, thank you ladies and gents, a few things going on though.... pricing up a lot of stuff for the bike:blush: then wondering when i'll get it fitted due to the wife's chore list getting bigger & bigger & ...........!!!!
    • Like Like x 2
  8. The last time I recently visited someone there they had lovely views from the ward....

    And the hospital Canteen was reasonable if the sun was shining...

  9. Dropped the multi off at the dealers to have the fuel sensor done.....Again !!!!
  10. Woke up about 4 this morning in pain as my lower back went into into spasm so I'm stuck on the sofa until I can get to see the chiropractor later today. Don't believe the advertising, over the counter pain killers don't do what it says on the packet. Sadly I have run out of proper prescription medication :Bawling:. Had so much planned on a day off with the 1098R. Andy
  11. That's poo :( giz yer bike :Angelic:
  12. My sympathies to back sufferers here on the Forum. There is no substitute for copious codeine (except for triffic Tramadol, of course).

    I am on Day 3 of a superb sinus infection and enjoying my day at work so far. I'm thinking of getting a gun licence so that I can properly clean out all the gunk from my sinuses.

    Or I could see the quack and get a packet of diminishing returns (I think that's what they call antibiotics these days). At least my prescription cocodamol and tramadol is masking the "discomfort" some.

    Has anyone ever stuck a Hoover attachment up their nose and switched on, to see what happens?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. You have my sympathies Loz, I used to be a martyr to my sinuses which for some reason haven't bothered me as much as I've got older. I wish you a speedy recovery. Andy
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Exige has used a Hoover* on parts of his body, but his nose wasn't one of them. Allegedly. :eek:

    *Other brands are available.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. funny, i was thinking the same. whys that? :Hilarious::smileys:
  16. Do not use an industrial vacuum pump....They are a Bastard to clean.
  17. He strikes me as a Dyson man.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. possibly. but cheaper brands are available.
  19. Getting my ski legs going on the pistes around Courchevel, I have to say the snow condition is superb, even the lowers slopes are powder and creaky. Sunny But perishing cold, full thermals, even merino wool long johns on. Discovered the battery in my iPhone's holds about 30 mins of charge in the cold so no pictures! Post some later!
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  20. Worked at Dyson for many years for my current employer :Mooning:, got free Castrol Honda team passes for WSB races through a mate who worked for James, even allowed in the pit garage during races :D met and drank with Suzi Perry :Hungry: and some other geezers who raced bikes who didn't interest me much :Angelic:
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