Rideouts Around Bath/bristol Area

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Ian Travell, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. What time is this... Working in the morning but could be free in the afternoon...
  2. the meet is normally Loomies for 11 then they head over to Popham for 12 wish, stay till 2ish then off, light and weather dependent

    hence I'm heading over to get there by 1230 wish coffee natter and home before sun goes
  3. Tsk.... Too early... I tend to work from 6am to about 11...shitter...
  4. I must confess I'd have no idea how to get to loomies from my place (well... The best way...)
  5. There's a Big ride out to loonies with Wiltshire bikers this weekend - expect it to be busy !!
  6. What.... Sunday?
  7. I won't be going that far, straight to Popham, thx anyway
  8. the bast way would take a while ;) the quickest way would be A4 then wattage south road (towards Salisbury I think signposted) then micheldever and popham
  9. Err... No idea.. I'd have to go consult Google.. The lad I went with knew the route so I just followed... Wasn't taking any notice...
  10. bristol aren't you? could always use M4 ;)
  11. Yeah but that's boring... I seem to remember Salisbury as part of the route and at one point we crossed over the top of the m3 also...
  12. :Jawdrop: Comfysofa! I've just noticed you've gone all chesterfield! Is it a time of life thing? :D
  13. Heh... You noticed..! Like to mix it up... I'm 46 but in my head I'm still 19...
  14. So quite the opposite...
  15. So, is that a time of death thing then? :confuse:
  16. Nah... Just picked a random pic... I left it the same til one of the lads said... "I'd like to see a different sofa every now and again..."... Just obliging...
  17. I have a sneaking feeling this might end up in off topic replies, but even so, here are a few you might want to consider.
  18. There's a light flashing in el toros kitchen right now!
    #98 comfysofa, Mar 9, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Anyone out today in bristol area? I'm working at the moment but will be out this afternoon... Havent decided on what yet though...
  20. I'm laid up with man flu, otherwise I'd have been up for a trip today. Need to blow out the cobwebs (from me and my bike).
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