2015 Vs 2016 Model

Discussion in 'Diavel & XDiavel' started by RocketRomeo, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Hi all

    I've decided to change my monster for a diavel.... After test riding twice I'm certain it's the next bike for me.

    The dealer I was at has an unregistered 2015 carbon red, which I love the look of.

    When they ran the tri-options it would only go through at a higher rate due to it not being the newer 2016 carbon.

    So, the dealer has tried, using an alternative finance company, to get s better deal on finance so they can try to shift this last remaining 2015 disbelief they have.

    I'm keen and I think we've got to a good deal with a fair discount off the bike.

    I'm still not sure whether to go for this bike or just go for a 2016 black version and save a few pennies.

    My question is: are the updates to the 2016 models significant at all?

    The dealer tells me it's aesthetics such as wheels and ceramic exhausts... And lol I can find is this mcn review that states the differences...

    2016 Ducati Diavel Carbon revealed | MCN

    Im just not sure whether I'd prefer a more updated model black if the updates make it a more sensible option. If it was between the 2016 carbon and the black it would be the black as I don't like the 2016 carbon... But I do really like the 2015 carbon red..

    I'd appreciate your thoughts!

  2. 2015 Carbon red without a doubt if it were me and that isn't influenced by the price or the finance, it's just a really good looking colour scheme. Andy
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  3. Is it me or are Ducati going backwards with their colour choices for the Diavel?!
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  4. Great question.... I am in a similar boat; i am probably about 2 months away from placing an order but every dealer I have spoken to has given me the same story; at first I thought it was a sales tactic but I understand they want as many new registered bikes on the road as possible.
    Personally I like the new Dark range, i like the all black "Batman Edition" bike so that's what I am going for. If the cost saving is significant then I know I would rather save the money and invest in an exhaust system in 12 months time! That's just a personal thing though.
    I do have a question back, have you found anyone offering 0% interest or lower than the trioption by Ducati?

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  5. No it's not just you. My girlfriend rides an original '12 base model in red and in her opinion, it's still the best looking. Andy
  6. I would take in account that there is likely to be a few of great 2nd hand bargains kicking around, and Dealers certainly will be looking at getting rid of older versions to compensate for the demand for the X, sure there are a few on order, quite a few :)
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  7. Hi

    I agree, in that I also love the dark version. Until I arrived at the dealer that was my choice as I did not like the carbon from Internet browsing.... But then I saw the carbon red... I think it's awesome.

    I haven't found 0% and don't think I will... But I'm pushing and so far I have the red carbon for only £12/month more than the 2016 dark (on their tri options) with only £400 more deposit.... So I think it's pretty good?

    Does any one know about the difference between the 2015 vs 2016 bikes? Other than the link I posted?
  8. So I dont think there is a difference to be honest; nothing I have found. I had hoped the 2016 model would have the DVT (?!) engine and maybe bluetooth built in as they have with the XDiavel S but fat chance, knowing my luck that will be the case in the 2017 model. If your heart is on the red one then go for it.
  9. One of few reasons I have gone for the x, as newer engine DVT etc and cornering ABS, launch control, plus I liked the feet forwards and belt drive.
    Riders guy reckoned the engine etc will be on 3rd gen diavel, but who knows. I was tempted to wait see what happens next year but then i test rode the x and put deposit down lol!
  10. Hi

    Thanks - yes I was thinking the same with BT or updated lcd screen etc... But I can't find anything... I think you're right... Carbon red it is...
  11. I'd love to be able to as all the new tech is worth it.... But I can't ride cruiser style! Lol

    Congrats with your new purchase though!
  12. If they do keep diavel on sure it will get DVT engine and all tech to at some point seems logical.
    I used to think same but it was really good for me once I got used to peg position and would have mine back a bit further as adjustable to.
    I dont imagine be good if you do long big miles as all weights on your bottom lol.
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  13. It's done!

  14. Sorry.... Posted by mistake lol

    It's done! .... Diavel Carbon Red

    Thanks for your opinions and comments... I'm looking forward to collecting her next weekend!
  15. Good choice, I hope you will be happy with your decision. Andy
  16. Congrats... i bet you cannot wait... put up some pictures would be nice to see and get your initial thoughts for the first few days. I am planning on keeping a video log before and after I get the bike or at least like the thought of doing it, RJ style...but the chances are I wont have enough time.

    By the way and i know it's not the right thread BUT if anyone has seen the video on You Tube about the Pewag security chain, at 12mm and a hell of a lot lighter than the Almax behemouth it is uncuttable by bolt croppers then you can get it in this country. Google Brindley chains and they had a fresh delivery over the weekend... its stronger that the top of the range Abus Granit 59 and only 34 queens sheets a metre its a darn site cheaper.

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