So.... a few observations on my first commute on the 1299 in comparison to the same journey I've been making on and off over the last few years on my 1098S. Man, this thing has got some road manners ! A cold and misty morning and I probably never got above 50mph even in the sticks but what impressed the most was just what a pussy cat this thing is compared to my 1098. I did a lot of work on the 1098 trying to make it a usable road bike but despite all those hours fettling, the 1299 is light years ahead out of the box ! (as it should be ). Beautiful fueling, 30mph in 3rd gear with the throttle just cracked is bliss in town and I have to say, having the electronic safety systems in the background is a nice reassurance on mornings like these. AND, for the record, I personally find the Nitron R1 rear shock is a massive improvement on the OE job and looks the danglies along with superb build quality. I know this stuff isn't what these bikes are primarily made for but all the same it's bloody impressive and the bike will get a proper workout over this weekend hopefully. Cue moody picture in the gloom this morning:smile:
I had a 848 Evo and also spent a good few hundred quid trying to get it to a point where I could put my laptop on my back and not get to work pissed off and baking hot. I stepped onto the 899 and have put 1500 miles on it up to Christmas and it was a lot better all round! I still have the love for the 848/1098 so don't anyone jump on me but for day today ease of use nobody can argue that Ducati haven't made a good step forwards. Bikes a stunner, love the wheels
I did my first 1299 commute this week My thoughts , coming from a tripple and 4 cylinder bikes is .... its not as slow speed commute friendly .. its not as easy ... its not as bad as I expected ... I'll probably get used to it. I'm so glad its not a 1098 or 1199 - I hear they are real handfuls - which would probably push me back onto the XR for commuting
They say what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, well my 1098 didn't kill me but they are a challenging bike for daily and town use and if you're coming from an IL4, big twins are always going to take some time to adjust to and in fact some people never get comfortable with them. I think you have to have a little masochistic streak even on the newer stuff
Yep, if I had the space and money I would have kept my 1098S as well as having the 1299, even if it was barsteward half of the time ! Definitely still have the love for them.
Great stuff. A fellow Nitron R1 owner then, does yours have the classic blue spring? Have you got any pictures of the shock side of the bike?
Yep, they're great! Look brilliant with their new titanium spring and darker bodies I've noticed that you have your linkage in the progressive setting as opposed to flat. Have you tried swapping it to flat? I personally preferred it for general road use.
I have it in progressive to accommodate a pillion and it feels awesome on my local pot holed roads. Originally the flat setting was intended for track use on the 1199 launch. Haven't pushed it anywhere near the edge yet but I prefer soft but controlled suspension on the road and I'd be surprised if it proved poor even when pushing on.
Ah, fair enough. There's a lot of debate as to which the better setting for a single rider is, but if you're carrying pillions then yes it needs to be in progressive mode.
cracking looking bike mate, wheels really suit it. though i love my 1198 im so tempted on a 1299,if only i had the money
Pm me when u are next in work and I'll wander over and produce a little pile of dribble next too it!!
10/1198 are proper mans bikes mate but I've done my time and enjoying the 1299 added civility :smile:
Ok mate, your little pile of dribble will detract from the little dribble i leave on the seat every time I get on it. Not sure if it's down to the appeal of the bike or just an age thing though :weary:
great to hear of others using their pride and joy to commute and enjoying it, it really does turn the shittest of journeys into something far far more enjoyable