one track day in. and trying out for a ducati team !!,,,,tips please

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Terry_Tibbs, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Pmsl :smile:
  2. Hahaha terry tibbs loves a bit if banta
  3. Couldn't you arrange a parachute drop over the circuit? Preferably from the International Space Station.
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  4. I would like to see a couple of pics of Terry_Tibbs bike.......


  5. Before or after Donnington?:eek:
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  6. Now of course.........I know what it will be like after Donnington (that's a proper sidecar circuit)

  7. all loaded up, :upyeah:


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  8. Lets hope Mr Tibb's bike loads back up that way. :biggrin:

    Good luck Mr Tibbs :upyeah:
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  9. iv got a AA membership and a wheel barrow just in case!! :eek:
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  10. Well....I can tell you one thing................................ won't get a sidecar outfit in there........

    Make sure you don't drop looks too new to go racing with....

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  11. Its what they were built for :upyeah:

    may try and pop along...although you'll be more likely using wets than slicks
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  12. Terry Tibbs! X racer making a comeback :wink: Wish i was :mad:
  13. Some top advice here for you Terry from Freak, Nutty Nick, Etherion, kope999r and others - you'd do really well for your health and wallet to distill all of what's been said. Trackdays are no indication of how you'll do in a race - racing is an order of magnitude above trackdays and the stories about old men in baggy black leathers passing you on 30bhp classics are all true. Even after a year of racing you'll still be wasted and sometimes intimidated by much faster guys. I remember a time when I raced in SoT ten years back on a race practice session I was happily passing everyone and loving it. I was braking hard into Mallory hairpin, back wheel hopping and then Max Vincent wiped my nose at full throttle before banging on the brakes, down the box and gone. However good you think you are, racing will always re-adjust your perspective and sometimes in a brutual way...good luck with it though, stay well below 100% and you'll enjoy the experience.
  14. If you REALLY wanted to race again Steve you WOULD.
  15. I can imagine the shock Terry_Tibbs will get when for the first time another racer leans on him in a bend.....

  16. or uses him and his bike to straighten his line out of a slingshot corner... :biggrin:
  17. So whats the score at lunchtime at Donnington? Has Terry Tibbs tangled with Kitty Litter? Is Terry Tibbs the slick shod hero of the day, putting in times (sorry cant time its a trackday) to shame a Moto2 rider? Whats the weather like? Slicks, inters or wets?

    Come on someone must be there watching and has access to the wifi in the media centre (media1234 is the password I seem to remember). This is like waiting on the times of an official Dorna test where Danny Kent goes straight to a MotoGP bike and misses out Moto2.

    Infact, Im wetting myself in anticipation for Terry Tibbs to give us the after test briefing. God I am so excited I may have to go an crack one off !:eek:
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  18. I thought it was on the 5th?
    I took that to be November 5th.

    So what is going on on Oct 17th?

  19. By the 17th, I took it as today. The bikes loaded, tyre warmers and tools at the ready in the van too. If I have to wait until the 5th I will have to get an extra supply of Viagra............... Come on Terry, put me out of my misery...
  20. All packed up ready for a trackday over 2 weeks away, I get packed up 10 minutes before I set off.
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