1200 DVT Termi Upmap, Latest Software Update

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by D4VE, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. All I did was being a good soldier and performed exactly what Ducati tells you to do. Put system on and perform up map, nothing more nothing less.
    Over and out...
  2. Anyone got any more info on this? Any dealers confirmed this map/firmware/software is available and performs as per TomTom's dyno graph?

  3. Just pull your sled in there, go to ecu info and see what revision you got?
  4. Just had my bike plugged in. There is no new ECU or map version.

    The "Injection control unit Bosch" version on my bike is Y15_S01E3_MFP001 which is the only one available for a DVT with full Termi system.

    On the up side, a new version of the dashboard software was downloaded which fixes the data/time/trip reset issue. Hurrah! That is now v24 from v23.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I was also told the update was a Naughty Malicious Rumor, Ducati are going to send all Dealers a letter stating so, as so many dealers have been contacted about it, maybe Ducat not taking the hint though there certainly is plenty of room for an improvement to the map for Termi upgrade, Especially after the improved map update for standard exhaust.
  6. Agreed! A new map that makes the most of the engine would be gratefully received.
  7. ...especially for the full Termi system equipped bikes which obviously are not used on the road, so the usual boring rules and regs wouldn't apply would they :)
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  8. I reached out to Ducati about this -- they say the Termi map was always good and didn't need to be updated, so whatever we're seeing now was there from the beginning.

    Has anyone dyno'd a DVT with a full Termi and gotten worse results?
  9. You can see my before and after dyno on here somewhere if you search for it.
  10. Is there a possibility it's your bike and not the map @ fault !
  11. I do not think the Termi map was always good at all, I had a Dyno, and they stated it is running lean, and could be improved, but that said, the Bike is quicker all round, especially low mid range, than before fitting the Temi, but that also said I think they had an updated map for oem exhaust that improved it. Rode DVT today, and it just makes me smile how quick and smooth it really is with S hook
  12. Actually thinking about it, my seat ov Ma pants tells me your bike is as per mine or was, I'm looking forward to trying my other new dvt and see if it shows the same traits, it's identically bike ie full termi .
  13. o_O "My other new DVT"....Dave how many have you got man???:Cigar:
  14. I'm on my second, but this one is turning out to be a little bit special [emoji6]
  15. Thanks -- I totally remember that thread, your dyno chart broke my heart and sent me looking for alternatives, but since I've seen Tom's, I'm trying to make sense of what's going on given the manufacturer's claim that there's only ever been one Termi upmap.
    From what I see at the beginning of your Termi thread, your butt-dyno was way out of line with the results on the chart you received, yes?
    I've never been able to get confident that I'm looking at apples-to-apples on these charts if the runs aren't done on the same day by the same tech on the same equipment, so I'm much more interested in the butt-dyno than the chart. Is it more like the bike definitely feels better, but the improvement is on the subtle side? Or is it closer to a night-and-day, different expression on your face kind of difference through the midrange?
  16. Yes, the bike feels better with the Termi on and is more responsive to cracking the throttle open. It feels like it is less "restricted" if you see what I mean. I was disappointed by the dyno run as well but happy to have the feeling of a more direct connection between the throttle and the engine if that makes sense. Riding my bike back to back with a BMW S1000XR, the Ducati feels more instantaneous by comparison, a feeling echoed by the owner of the S1000XR.

    Also it's nice to get shot of that horrible catalytic converter which looks like a rusty fungal growth lucking under the bike.

    I do have to say that the best bang for buck mod is to go up 2 teeth on the rear sprocket. That makes a lot of difference - more so than the Termi - to roll-on acceleration delivery (and in town trundling about).

    The larger sprocket and Termi together are extremely good fun!
  17. Thanks. Have to agree that sprocket changes are the best bang for the buck -- in fact, having done the +2 rear on my '13, and not wanting to go through the headache of changing the rear sprocket without changing to a longer chain or shortening the wheelbase, I decided to go down a tooth on the front instead with the DVT: slightly more of a gearing pop, and absolutely the most inexpensive thing possible -- maybe $40 for the sprocket, and just a few cents more for the band-aids on my knuckles. : )

    The sprocket change should result in a bike that feels more zippy through the whole rev range. The Termi should give an additional rocket effect between 5k and 7.5k rpm: any idea whether the bike wheelies or otherwise light up the DWC indicators if you whack the throttle wide open in 3d gear at 6k rpm in Sport mode?
  18. 300km with DP Termi+up map, more than satisfied, it´s a new bike without any doubt! Well done TomTom!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. :Stop: Dave thank goodness, for one moment I thought you were the Ducati Multistrada version of Imelda Marcos....:Meh: You know, more than one pair of!!:Shifty:
  20. Can anyone tell me whether the panniers still fit ok with the termi and the rear footpeg
    Just ordered a system for mine
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