At 4am I took a Diazapam, later I took a 400m Ibroprufen. Then I got my Mrs to put some Freeze gel on my back. Then at 9.30 I put a heat pack on my back....and it still goes into spasm. There'll be no riding for me today. If I could find the twat that caused this accident then buggered off n left the scene I'd have em banned from being on the road. Then I'd wring their necks just so they could understand what they put other people through. Does anybody know if the Highways agency keep the vids from their overhead cameras for a period of time? This all happened on a M'way slip road.
Mate, you are where I was 3 weeks ago. It will take time and you need to give it time. Take the medication and slob out with an occasional light stretch. Proverbial pain in the arse but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel that isn't some twat coming the other way with a torch. Feel for you. Andy
Be quick, most of the time footage is kept but for a limited time. Report it to the police (if you haven't already) and get them to request the footage. They're usually pig slow to get the request over and have been known to miss out on footage due to their lack of action. Get on it quick!
Thanks. I did report it. Police turned up. I've just called them and was told the cameras belong to the council! So I'll try them.
I had a real problem trying to get footage of a theft. They don't like giving it out to individuals and told me they would only give it to the police if they asked.
Hope you get some relief from your damaged back and a quick road back to a good place.Back problems are one of the worst things,we move our backs whatever we are doing.
Today we went out for a couple of hours just to get out of the house and blow the cobwebs off. We ended up at Castle Hill in Huddersfield and saw this
Good few hours on the 999, no bolts broke or broken bits found. @Exige cables fitted, loosened the 3 brake bleed nipples without snapping and the 2 cam belt tensioner bolts. Fuel pump out and filter changed, can't refit as waiting on new seal. Gave the neighbour 10L of unleaded of an indeterminate age. Taught my 6yr old how to bleed a rear brake. That was my favourite bit.
Oh yes, but under the manifold with no access and pipes running through and around other things that can't even be seen properly with a mirror and lamp... I enjoyed the challenge and the car idles better so I will call that a job well done. I tinkered with the bike a bit today and will wrap that up in the morning.
Had things to do all day today so now looking at tomorrows forecast if it vaguely looks sunny I'm getting the 899 out fitting on the evotech rear tidy, 7"x4" plate,LED rear indies and ProGrip grips. Then after having the bike for a whole week I'm gonna ride it for the first time ever! I'm gonna lose some sleep tonight!
A real spring day here today. Nice and warm. It was so warm gardening that I actually started to think about shorts. This will come as no news to many on this forum who have probably been wearing shorts for the last 4 months rather than just thinking about doing so, such is the British love affair with baring flesh in unsuitable weather. Filled a barrow with rubbish from the drive - bits of fir tree mainly - and then... and then... first mow of the year! Jump started the ride-on from SWMBO's car as I assumed that the battery would be completely flat as it's been sitting in a cold garage for 4 months with not the slightest charge. Now my garden is starting to look like a garden again. And then - Moto GP qualifying. The season has begun! Of course, if my bike wasn't 60 miles away, I'd have been out on it. Think I can pick it up next Thursday if the weather is still half decent.
Well, that saved me 40 minutes. Won't have to bother looking at the second half now. It got interrupted so that the wife could watch The Voice.
Shorts on today fixing guttering to the new bike shed. Grass cut a month ago, it's the tropics here, I tel you!
Not quite.....paid the deposit....have to wait a couple of weeks...and that's really only to give me a fighting chance of selling the ktm before I pick it up....I think my lovely wife has it at the back of her mind that I'm going to try to keep the supermoto when I really am its really more to assure her that it is actually going up for sale...if it doesn't move then ill break it - there quite a few lads that have got dibs on most of the big stuff plus.....I could transfer the motogadget clocks to it....that'd be nifty...
Stick it on eBay with a high reserve, that'll reassure her. Nice work getting in quick before any minds are changed. Or you do anything to fack it up!