Garmin Zumo At Aldi

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by GordonH, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. 340LM with European maps - this weekend at Aldi - £199.99
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  2. ifs just paid 230 for mine!
  3. Thanks for the heads up - just ordered a couple of cans of the WD40 chain wax and cleaner!
  4. Thanks for the tip. Just put one on pre-order.
  5. Anyone got one of these? I'm currently using my iphone which is a bit too big! Just wondering what the Zumo is like?
  6. @bradders earlier in the thread says he has one( the expensive version!)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Yes and it's much better than a phone, fact you can operate with gloves on alone made it worth the switch for me. The twisty route thing works quite well too
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  8. Thanks for the info @bradders Sounds like a good bit of kit.
  9. If you compare Aldi's spec:
    With this: Garmin ZUMO 340LM CE "Central Europe" with Lifetime update - Motorcycle/car - GPS devices - Navigation | Touratech Ltd
    Looks like Aldi's is the base of the base model. No speed limit indicator and specifically "western" Europe as opposed to Central Europe.
    Does this mean that if you want to ride to the Balkans with the Aldi one your stuffed? Or do you have to pay to add extra maps?
    Nearly ordered one but if it means you can't travel east of Berlin and it doesn't tell you where the speed limits are I think I'd rather pay the extra £75.
  10. Oh rubbish. Didn't see the bit about speed limits not bothered about maps.
    Seems a con to have the same product code with different features. Hoping maybe typo on Aldi part otherwise itll be going back
  11. can you not just buy the speed limits and extra maps?
  12. Aldi description also says bettery life upto 1 hour but Garmin site says 7 hours. So this is either an aldi special super cheap edition or somebody has made a mess of specs.
  13. can't imagine Garmin make more than one type. Mine came from Sportsbike Shop, lifetime maps, all maps will have speed limits (its core functionality) but they may not have speed cameras. No idea if mine has, and not too bothered
  14. It does seem unlikely to make multiple hardware versions but if the speed limits is a licensed feature from cyclops therefore by not activating a software feature this can reduce the cost or Aldi. Pure speculation.

    My car definitely "knows" speed limits to support eco driving features as it tells me to lift off before a change in speed limit but i think i would have to pay £120 for it to show me on screen.
  15. sorry, but no one would ever sell a satnav with no limits in there displayed on screen, its core functionality, and without limits it can never actually calculate how long a journey will take.

    it just may not make lots of other calculations for eco etc as you say. Although mine does
  16. Of course all sat navs have the road speed to be able to calculate the journey time, but displaying the speed limit live is generally an added feature that many manufacturers feel is worth charging for.
  17. I work in a similar field, and never seen one not do it.
  18. BTW the image in the Aldi add shows speed limit....just saying ;)
  19. I agree. I think its most likely cock up on website specs. Fingers crossed.
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