Hi Folks, Just waiting another few weeks for delivery of my 1200s and wondered what you felt were the best fitting / looking crash bars?? I'm having the aux lights fitted so don't know if that would make and difference? Thoughts and pictures would be most appreciated, many thanks in advance!
If you have the Ducati Aux lights and crash bars then the lights have to be fitted on the bars. If you don't have the bars then the lights can be fitted under the beak. Not sure what will happen with other brands though.
Hi, yes ordered the DucatI aux lights with the bike but held off with crash bars so done nothing yet. Was looking for forum users views (and hopefully pics) to help me decide which way to go...
I understand that the Ducati (Touratech) crash bars reduce the clearance to the front wheel which mean you can't use the larger of the two extension pieces on the rear of the front mudguard. A fenda extenda would be out of the question completely.
Ah, thanks Steve, funny enough I was just looking at the on line configuration and thought the front mud guard was way short!! Like just after the red section there looks bugger all !!!!! Surely not!
Yeap, the shorter piece which I think comes installed as standard (item 4 in the figure below) is not a lot more than clamp for the brake hose., in fact it's listed as a Hose Guide in the spares parts catalog. The slightly longer piece (item 8), called an Extension Front Fender, is a bit longer but won't stop a lot of crap going straight into the radiator. I've fitted a fenda extenda on the longer piece but I don't have crash bars. I've fitted an Evotech head guard and the fenda extenda just touches it on full suspension compression but it does stop a lot of crap getting sprayed into the radiator.
Wow! Bit of a joke "non guard" that! You'd think at the price they'd give you some engine protection!!! I've ordered the Evotech 3 guard option as they looked better in my opinion but defo need to sort the mud guard issue as a big thing in my mind!!! Is that extender a ducatI oem part or third party??
When you buy a new bike you should get both the Hose Guard and the Extenda Front Fender, as per the figure above. One will be fitted the other should be given to you by your dealer along with the all the other stuff (owner's handbook, service book, Multistrada and Apparel catalogs).
I never got the hose guard and had to ask for the fender extender part. Also the manual mentions using the plastic chain adjust tool for the correct measurement of chain slack ! Anyone else got this .
Seems it's a bit hit or miss onnwhat they do or don't give you!!!! Guess it depends on the dealer! OK next question what SHOULD you get from the dealer when you buy new given the above info??? Hyper do you have a pic of the Touratech on your mutley?
Waiting for the puig model to arrive to the market to see it as an option. Do not like the Ducati optional!!
check out the SWmotech, i got it put on my DVT and then went for a major slide over some oil on the road saved the bike and nothing more than a bent gear lever and cracked hand guard. could pick up the bike and ride on