.....But he is saying a few things that make sense. Not all of it mind. Tony Blair warns of 'flabby liberalism' The former UK prime minister is planning a global project to prevent extremism through education. But he warns that too often the West can "be made to feel guilty about itself" and fails to make its case. "We're in a situation where we have to fight back," said Mr Blair. "The centre has become flabby and unwilling to take people on. We concede far too much. There's this idea that you're part of an elite if you think in terms of respectful tolerance towards other people. It's ridiculous," Mr Blair told the BBC. One of the problems with the West is that it constantly can be made to feel guilty about itself - and I'm not saying there aren't things we should feel guilty about. "But you know, we shouldn't let people intimidate us into thinking there are certain values we shouldn't be standing up for," said Mr Blair, who was attending the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai last week. Tony Blair warns of 'flabby liberalism' - BBC News
Good grief. Based upon the thread title I was about to put Robarano on Ignore but ... he's right. Blair is actually making sense here. The World's gone mad!
A truly horrible man and complete sell out in every sense of the word. He could tell me the earth was round and the sky was blue and i wouldnt believe a word he said.
Well, a large part of me thinks it must have been the audience he was talking to that planted his position. He could be speaking to a group of "flabby liberals" tomorrow and agreeing with them. He's a detestable man. I remember before the 1997 election win, he did a piece with MCN about how much bikes were part of New Labour's transport policy and the insinuation was that he would look favourably on motorcycles. Then after the win....nothing.
Is anyone surprised about what has happened in Brussels today? Those 'in charge' previously and now, can't possibly be can they?....That includes Blair.
What a fucking hypocrite? As Mr C says it's all his fault. That twat has the blood of thousands on his hands. Detestable individual, no let me amend that to self centred money grabbing detestable individual.
What makes you say that? :Wideyed: Tony Blair's £25m property empire around the UK, in pictures - Telegraph
He helped create the problem he is now profiting from. Horrible man, and Cherrie is even worse, she makes me cringe. He is right about "flabby liberalism" though.
What's he supposed to have said now? Whatever it is,he will only have said it for two reasons: (1) To make himself sound important (2) To make himself sound important But what is about these terrorists,that they think killing innocent people will somehow elicit public sympathy? I can't speak for anyone else,but any sympathy I have ever had for their causes,(which are difficult enough to ascertain anyway),has long since evaporated. Whatever their causes,these atrocities will only strengthen the hand of those on the far,"Right",of the political spectrum,and may harden the hearts of those who currently take a moderate view. Are these events going to help the Remain campaign? I doubt it,very much.They prove that no matter how much the various authorities claim,we are no safer than we ever were.And being together means that an evil event that takes place in one country can easily lead to an atrocity in another...that's open borders and that damn Law of Unintended Consequences again. We are not "safe",from extremist attack here,no one can guarantee that no matter how many armed police or what GCHQ promise. But I would feel be a whole lot less safe if we did not have the English Channel.
The problem is the extremists do not want educating especially from the West. Boko Haram translated is "Western education is forbidden". Therein lies the problem.
Tony Blair is, in my opinion, probably the worst prime minister the UK has ever suffered. We will be feeling the backlash from his decisions as PM for decades to come yet he is still in a prominent role spouting off about issues he created and has become very rich from doing so. I detest the man.
Sympathy is not their objective, they want to break our will and if we react against immigrants and moslems then we drive moderates to their cause. For us it is lose lose. "Terrorists" often eventually get what they want. Then they ask for more.
i just remember it being a time of prosperity, national debt at a fraction of what it is now. devolution. its about time the torys start taking responsibility for the here and now.
He is an odious son of a bitch and an arch hypocrite. He spent his years in power slandering people who were years ahead of him in making these points and doing his best to silence them and shut down debate. Now he's claiming their argument as his own, presumably for some greasy political purpose which will no doubt enrich him and his ghastly wife.