1200 DVT Comfort Seat Help

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by B1stoboy, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Hi guys, need some help. Spent £150 on fitting gel packs to my dvt standard seat to fix arse ache.
    Mission accomplished but now sliding forwards. Thinking of splurging on the comfort seat but need to sit my derrier on it first as loads of wonga. Anyone gone that route living hampshire surrey berkshire way that would let me try it for 20 mins on my bike.
    Mucho gracias Pete
  2. I have the Ducati Touratech seat which for me is really comfortable and much better riding position to the standard one which forced me forward. I live near Dorking in Surrey and happy to meet up.
  3. I also have one based in Surrey.

    (ColT - did you just buy a white DVT from P&H? If so I think I had a sit on your seat before I bought mine!)
  4. Haha :tearsofjoy: Yes that would have been mine. It was sat in the shop for a while as I was waiting for the 2016 plates and to get rid of my 2010. Definitely going to take the piss out of Marcus this Friday now. I'm glad it was useful though and don't mind in the slightest as I had to take the gamble. Thankfully paid off though.

    They are great seats. The wife loves the passenger one and said there is a lot more room as well. At first they seem harder but they have a lot more travel in them so the bumps in the road disappear.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Yes, he made sure I was really careful when I asked if I could try it before I took the plunge and ordered mine. Certainly feels more comfortable, the original tipped me forward onto my 'gentleman's area' too much.

    Mine was one of the Pikes Peak 'special editions' (paint job on a Red S model) and I was waiting for the new plate as well. Almost got to my 600 miles ready for the 1st service next week. Probably will not make it to Horsham on Friday but maybe meet up another time...
  6. Many thanks ColT and Twin4me for offers of assistance. Meeting with ColT today.
  7. Just shelled out for the comfort seat. Defo fixes problem, shame Ducati couldnt get it right in the first place. My Bum is eternally grateful to my wallet and ColT.
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  8. I would just like to point out to the other forum members that may have a corrupt mind like mind that I did not in any way do anything to B1stoboy's Bum. :laughing:
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  9. was this for the dvt mutley as im having the ball bashing forward sliding arse ache issue too as have it set on high setting, have u any pictures and where did you get it from? how much etc??
  10. thanks, that was really helpful, I have also discovered its only available from ducati, they obviously want their mark up too, which is probably why its so expensive
    thanks for the help tho
  11. You could try Coman's suggestion of adapting the seat supports to tilt you back more? Cheap if it doesn't work.
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