Termignoni Without Db Killers

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Oli, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Bought recently a set of used Termignoni (without db killers) for my Monster 696. Tried them on last weekend - I love the way they look, but they are so loud! I definitely appreciate nice noise coming from exhaust, but in this case its a bit too much for myself, plus I know I definitely annoying people around me (which I normally prefer not to do). Anyway, questions that I have:

    • Will adding db killers help? Can I buy them separately and where? Will db killers make a real difference?
    • I'm a bit uncomfortable with 'race use only' stamped on them. Can one get in troubles with Police/Insurance because of this? I would imagine all other Termignoni have the same stamping?
    • Any other thoughts on subject
    I know some might find my questions a bit 'silly', but I guess forums are exactly for these kind of things.
  2. Hi Oli, not silly at all. I prefer to keep the DB killer in on my termignoni exhaust ( multistrada) there's still plenty of vroom but more when you blip the throttle or under hard acceleration rather than at tick over, which I imagine the neighbours are happy about! I "polished" the for race use only, stamp off my old monster, might do the same yet to the multi. I would try on here or the usual eBay to source some.
    Enjoy the sound track!
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  3. I was running a couple of times without db killers when i first got my monster 796, but i fitted them after i felt almost embarrased riding through the local quiet villages and my wife said she could hear me coming before i reached our village - she was inside the house! Still sounds nice with db killers ( better than stock) and I wont be removing them.
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  4. Hi Oli, I bought some DB killers for my 696 termis 2 weeks before I sold it, never fitted them, from memory they were about £30 quid each, if you're interested you can have the pair for £40
  5. How did you "polish" out the stamp?
  6. Dremel
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Thought so.
  8. I run my monster with the db killers in. I ran it for a couple of days without them just to try it and it has a spectacularly loud bark. I didn't want to piss off the neighbours and it still sounds pretty good with the killers in.
  9. Wow, thanks for replies, now it makes more sense!

    - yes, yes, same here...
  10. Yes, I definitely interested, sent you PM.
  11. Good forum isn't it ?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. i ride my 1200 monster without the db killers, its ridiculously loud and the backfire is crazy but im loving it. I dont care about the neighbors, they are not my friends plus they should consider themselves lucky listening to the music that comes from the cans!
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