Collecting 1200r On Saturday 26th

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by 3bikemike, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Hey Folks

    New to the forum. I'm a newbie to the Ducati brand, but not new to biking. Been riding for over 30+, on all manner of bikes (started on the ubiquitous FS1E) [​IMG]

    Haven't had a bike for the last 5 years, but have been yearning for a Duc since the mid 90's. Anyway, time has come to spend some hard earned savings on my first Ducati - a spanking new 1200R, and am having it fitted with Termi carbon slip ons. Had a ride on a 1200S last summer, and was blown away by the power, handling, stopping capability & thundering BOOM.

    Picking up the bike on Saturday, and looks like it will be pi$$ing down, so will be collecting in a van!

    I'll try to load up some pictures, once I figure out how to do it....
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Hi and welcome to the forum! :upyeah:
  3. Welcome. Pics when she turns up pls.
  4. Welcome and fingers crossed for dry weather on your big day.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Welcome. Looking forward to some pics :)
  6. Greetings dude, nice bike you're getting.
    Have fun with it
  7. or it didn't happen ;)

  8. Ha, GunZenBomZ, I like it. :grin:

    Yeah, I'll get some picy's uploaded, if the Sun :eyes: ever appears anytime over the weekend.....:thumbsup:
  9. Welcome Dave. It was sunny yesterday....where's the pics?
  10. You suffering from bank holiday day loss,its Saturday today.Good luck with the new r matey.
  11. It was Good Friday yesterday and part of my long where are the pics? :p
  12. Here's 3 pics, one in the dealership before moving out to the van, one in the van when strapped in, and one in my garage. I'll take some better ones this morning - still on 7 (dealership) miles on the clock.



    • Like Like x 3
  13. Looks fantastic
  14. Here's a couple of better pics...


    • Like Like x 3
  15. Looking good.
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